completed build

  1. Short John Bronze

    Santa Maria by Amati [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Unboxing Having just completed the Amati Nina there were no surprises here: a box of good quality materials and fittings. Many of these looked very familiar from my previous build: the windlass, ship's boat, door frames etc. It appears that Columbus bought a job lot when kitting out his fleet. I...
  2. maltbyguy

    Caldercraft H.M.Schooner Pickle [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi everyone I have been a member for many years but so far I haven't posted a build log I have built several models from Caldercraft Model Shipways and Trumpeter So I thought it was time that I contributed Here is my build of H.M. Pickle I haven't documented every part but just a few major...
  3. BMT

    USCG Harriet Lane for the United States Navy 1859 - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) Scale 1:96 [COMPLETED Build]

    After too much coffee while working on the Civil War Wagon and then a short rest, it was time to look at another build. I purchased the Harriet Lane in March and didn't know if I would get to it until perhaps this November. However, I now have more free time with many things changing, so I...
  4. BMT

    Guns of History - United States Christian Commission Civil War Coffee Wagon - Model Shipways - Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) - Scale 1:16

    So years ago, in a galaxy far far away, I owned two cafés and a coffee roasting business. So when I saw this how could I not build it! By the way, it was on sale….even better. Looks like a fun build. So I’m going to pull a shot of espresso and start the build. BMT
  5. aew


    HMY Fubbs This build will be a step into a mostly unknown area, a plank on frame construction. The fact that I’m building it at all is thanks to Winston and Mike Shanks and it’s the 10th (and last) of a limited production run. My sincere thanks to both for including me in this project. The...
  6. K

    Gorch Fock changed to "Eagle" US Coast Guard - OcCre in scale 1:90 [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Kilka dni temu rozpoczęło się leczenie Gorch Fock OcCre w skali 1:90 Oto pierwsze przymiarki do konstrukcji kadłuba: A few days ago, the Gorch Fock OcCre 1:90 scale treatment began Here are the first attempts at the hull structure: Jeszcze dużo pracy:)
  7. B

    Palamós Fishing Boat - First Post, first model surely not the last :) [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hello guys! this is my first post here and what better way to start than to share the buiding progress of my Palamos fishing boat over the past couple weeks. Or should I say years? Well, I was gifted this set in 2019 and spent around 10 hours doing the internal structure but then life got in...
  8. glennb17

    Hayling Hoy: POF kit [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi Everyone, I've been trying to work my way up through different skill level kits to get to, some day, be able to build my own plank-on-frame scratch model. Now there seems to be a number of nice POF kits in quality hardwood from China and I, perhaps foolishly, decided to cut the line. I had...
  9. Ponytail

    Introducing Ponytail: another Halcon-build... [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hello people, I'm introducing my self after some week of 'lurking' in the Forum. What a fine place to be! As many before I never did a wooden ship as being more interested in plastic kits, modeltrains and above all cardmodelling. Next to that I'm volunteer/semi-professional modelbuilder at...
  10. Mike41

    HMY Fubbs 1682 by Mike41 - Weasel Works – Stern Section – 1:24 [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Ship History: His Majesty Yacht (HMY) Fubbs was laid down at Greenwich shipyards by Phineas Pett in 1682 and broken up in 1781. By Royal Navy standards yachts would be the size of a typical harbor dispatch vessel or lightly armed gunboat. HMY Fubbs sported a keel length of only 63’ with at a...
  11. Winter

    Brig Mercury, Kit by Eskadra, Russia [COMPLETED BUILD]

  12. D

    1682 HMY FUBBS - 1:24 - Stern Section [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi all Its been a long time since my last posting about "Anatomy of the Bounty from AL". We moved to Florida from MA and took months to pack and unpack. My new workshop is far away to be ready. But I need to start doing some ship modeling. The trigger was the box I received last Friday from...
  13. K


    Witam wszystkich Aktualny czas temu odkryłem stworzenie jachtu Gretel w skali 1/54 z zestawu Mamoli. Budowa szła szybko bo dalej skłądowano również tylnokołowiec Mississippi - Artesania - Latina, ale powolutku idziemy do przodu, dzisiaj kadłub jest wykonany: Hello everyone Current time ago I...
  14. Dean62

    Du Doch Nicht!! Eduard 1/72 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Well…I am sidetracked again! ROTF I build and collect military aircraft, and the majority of them are in 1/72 scale, so they take up less space. I do have large models as well, however thus far I only had WW2 airplanes and fighter jets in 1/72 scale. Recently I decided to build some WW1...
  15. Will @ Trilogy

    IJN AKAGI 1/350 by Hasegawa [COMPLETED BUILD]

    While looking for a model to build that has great visual detail I came upon YouTube videos of the Akagi with a the under deck structure and thought maybe I could build this complicated photo etch. I ordered the model to study and when it arrived it left me with a OMG feeling. Do I have enough...
  16. T

    USS New York 74 gun ship of the line [COMPLETED BUILD]

    I thought I had started a log here but could not find it.
  17. W

    Hayling Hoy 1/48 [COMPLETED BUILD]

  18. Jnewey


    I am in the process of building one of these chinese wooden kits. An interesting experience to say the least. I don't speak Chinese so it has involved a fair bit of 'build by pictures'! Not too painful but still a bit laborious. So far so good, as the pictures that will accompany my efforts...
  19. BMT

    MARIA HF31 fishing Ewer Build Log NCC (Navy-Curtis Craft) 1:72 [COMPLETED BUILD]

    I was still determining what new build I wanted to get into, but this fishing Ewer looked interesting. Close to OcCre’s Palamos but allows for sailing or as a motorized build. I am looking at the sailing build. Kit was purchased back in September 022 from Model Expo on sale. When...
  20. M

    Mary Rose 1512-1545 from Caldercraft [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Go to P3 for start of pics. General hints for anyone building this kit. 1. There are no sails, there is no sail plan., the kit quality is good. As for historical accuracy and the sales blurb that it reflects Mary Rose Trust studies... well maybe it did 20 years ago but the research has moved a...