
  1. tetref

    HMS Beagle from OcCre [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi, this is my first kit, so far I have only built according to plans. I withdraw to avoid mistakes, I do them anyway and then I try to correct them.
  2. frankieg

    HMS Revenge Occre build

    Just trying to start this build log, bear with me.
  3. LuigiSoft

    HMB Endeavour

    Hi to all. Keep safe in theses difficult times. As promised the first images of the build log. This is my first attempt at building a model of an historic ship. My wife bought me the kit after I had discussed with her about starting a new hobby and venturing into the world of ships. My build of...
  4. paulv1958

    Occre Ulises Tug Boat

    The Ulises Tugboat is a kit tugboat made by Occre. It is based on a steam tug of the 1900's and is 1:30 in scale. The web site states 'The Ulises model was an ocean-going tug. During the sixties, maritime traffic was very intense, the coming and going of goods crossing seas and oceans around...
  5. paulv1958

    Ulises Steam Tugboat, by Occre Scale 1:30

    Coming soon.
  6. Kurt Konrath

    Santisima Trinidad Cross-Section 1:90 Kit Build

    OK, here is my first entry for blog on this kit build, it is OcCre kit 16800. Overview of kit was it was a good kit with easy to read instructions in English and available online for other countries. The photo guide is ok, pictures are a bit small for my old eyes, but I can work with it. It...
  7. Uwek

    Kit review ESSEX - Whaler (Moby Dick) in scale 1:60 from Occre

    ESSEX - Whaler known by the book and film about Moby Dick History mentioned by Occre: In November 1820, the sinking of the whaling ship Essex, along with the survival of part of her crew, thrilled and moved the US public. The year before she had set sail from Nantucket on a new whaling...
  8. Uwek

    Kit review HMS TERROR" - scale 1:75 from Occre

    HMS Terror History mentioned by Occre: In 1845, under the command of Sir John A. Franklin, the ships Terror and Erebus set off on an expedition to navigate the famous Northwest Passage. They were the first ships to be fitted out with auxiliary steam engines and were also reinforced with iron...
  9. S

    Santisima Trinidad [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Hi everyone, i've been building the occre santisima trinidad, i decided to make videos recording the process, here is what is publiched so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDcfR-wTbQQ hope you guys join along the journey
  10. T

    Brig Corsair by OcCre - heavily reworked

    Hi All! Back in November 2017 I started building the Brig Corsair kit by OcCre. I've been documenting the progress on my Facebook page, but I thought I'd add it here too. I have been enjoying this forum for a while and thought I would contribute to. This has been a long ongoing project. Most of...
  11. M

    Santisima Trinidad / OcCre kit [COMPLETED BUILD]

    Welcome to my Santisima Trinidad build log. Model is built based on kit made by OcCre with some modifications. Whenever I didn't like something from the original kit it was either changed or made from scratch. Build start: 27.09.2017
  12. Dave Teel

    Endeavor tandem build

    Well I am finally ready to start on my Occr Endeavour and the Mini kit at the same time. I have never built on such a small scale. As I build the larger Endeavour I will attempt to include the same details on the mini kit. After reviewing the mini kit materials I see this will be a scratch build...
  13. Charles QC

    Build log of the Calella OcCre kit Ref : 52002

    Build log of the Calella OcCre kit Ref : 52002 at 1:15 scale That project is a bit a funny one, at the end of October (2008) I was sit at my office desk looking at OcCre catalogue of ship and showing some build in the yard to a colleague I was showing him the Carmella Carmina that Shere build...
  14. Charles QC

    Cross section of the Santisima Trinidad at 1:90 OcCre kit #16800

    this one will close my ST project Ship, Launch and now Section Santisima Trinidad OcCre kit #16800 Cross section of the Santisima Trinidad at 1:90 I start that kit in Mars 2004 and I was to do this kit simultaneously with the ship himself but as my older son want is ship to be the red 1805...
  15. Charles QC

    San Martin from OcCre 1:90 scale build in 2003

    San Martin from OcCre 1:90 scale build in 2003 Short story of the purpose of that build Every year my company (former retired now) was doing charity donation And collect money by selling handy craft done by the employer I was ask to contribute a ship the ship was not expensive $180.00cdn So I...
  16. Charles QC

    Santisima Trinidad OcCre kit #15800 build from 2004 to 2012

    Santisima Trinidad OcCre kit #15800 build from 2004 to 2012 For the one that have kid If you have read my post on the Hermione you know that it was build for my younger son that want one because is older brother got one. What happen is this, when the older saw the ship he was not happy because...
  17. Neophyte Shipwright

    Kit Review, HMS Terror-1/70 Scale-Occre

    Ordered 5 days ago from UK, got it today. I am really chopping at the bits to build the vessel called Terror. Let alone the history of this ship from, our Star Spangled Banner to lost in the Polar Ice Cap. Over all is not bad at all. The material looks on pare with todays mfg's. No plains...
  18. Kaizen

    Cazador by Occre [COMPLETED BUILD]

    I think I have to create an album then attached to the build log? First build log and first plank on frame hull and what a learning curve! Most problem was the bulwarks and getting them in the correct position without breaking them. I contacted Occre technical and they came right back...
  19. Dicas

    OCCRE Nuestra Señora del Pilar de Zaragoza - Manila Galleon at 1/46

    Once I had a small model boat... Then I got myself another small model boat and started scratch building yet another small model boat.;) My first small model boat was a Viking ship (Amati) that I changed substantially in order to get a passable model of a Viking ship (maybe a build log...
  20. Barry1

    Albatros - OcCre - 1:100 Scale

    I received the Albatros as a gift over 4 years ago and didn’t have time or commitment to start it. With my recent retirement I have the time and the desire to get back to modeling. I started with a Revell Constitution, 1/96 Scale. It was a significant effort over 4 months but I learned a lot...