Some missing diagrams / plans ?
So, the next step requires the 'Clamps' to be installed. The Clamps are in three strips which combined follow the entire length of ship from bow to stern. These Clamps will sit right above the Gun Ports. For those that might be unfamiliar with Clamps, they are Beams that run fore and aft entire length of ship along the inner side of the ship and they support all the Beams that are perpendicular to the Clamps.
So, in the manual at section 3-5, it calls for the "Clamp Location Drawings". The drawings are just templates to be placed inside the bulwarks to help determine the location of the Clamps (like a positioning guide).
Now, I have Drawings I, II, III, IV, and V. I also had a drawing that had the template for the Gun Ports. Back when I used those templates, I do not remember seeing any templates for the Clamp positioning.
Herein lies the problem. I can not find any such drawing or templates !!!
IF anyone else is building this model, I would appreciate some help and guidance on this. Yes, I know I can PM Sail & Sail, but not right now as the templates might be part of something else that I am not observing at the moment. I have reviewed all the other sheets that I have and can not find such a template.
In advanced reading of the manual several pages more, there are clues that I can use for the placement and it is possible to proceeed without the templates, but it still has me perplexed and I really wish I could figure this out. I am thinking that those templates did not come with kit. OR, what worries me is that those templates were ON the same sheet as the Gun Port templates - if that is the case, then those got thrown away as I cut out all the Gun Port Templates and threw the rest of the sheet away - I DO NOT remember seeing any other templates on that particular drawing !!!