Bonhomme Richard - Pear Cross section kit (with scratch duplicate using alder) Unicorn Model

The iron ingots were offloaded to be used for forging and new cargo in barrels has been loaded for the trip back home.
Hi Paul,
Is that a true story? Very interesting if it is. :)

From what I have been able to find about kentledge, which is pig iron, it cannot be forged, only cast. But, it is very hard and brittle so could not be used to cast firearms. That being the case, I cannot think of anything on the ships of that era that had castings that would be OK if made from the kentledge.


Thanks for the info! Not so much on your timing, HA ROTF!

The team that found her, estimated: "the ballast consisted of 40 tons each of pig iron bars, stone, gravel and French shot."

I believe the iron ingots would be deepest in the hold, along the keel. The looser/smaller stone/gravel/shot would then cover this "permanent and heavy" layer, providing a somewhat more flexible layer for barrels and cargo to nest in.

I've never seen any BHR models (including a museum quality scratch build on the NRG forum) show the ingots but to be totally accurate, they should.

My goal in the build is to make a reasonably accurate "battle-mate" to go beside my scratch build of HMS Serapis. Secondary goal is to get friends and family to ask questions. To that end, I included some ballast, placed tools at the cannon stations, rigged the cannons three different ways, and plan to set her on a "building/launching" ways.

I appreciate your feedback and insight!

Hi Brad,
My timing is often like my memory, id est, getting worse as time goes on, although the Admiral suggests the memory thing is more selective than failing at
times. :)