Completed rigging the first cannon in "battle ready" configuration. The Inspector asked Midshipman Newbee why the figure 8 knots on the ends of the in/out-haul lines? He explained that Petty Officer Brutis said the knots keep the line from accidently going through the blocks. PO Brutis also said this is the way the lines are quickly laid during battle stations. They only get faked in "neat and tidy" circles during in-port inspections by the Squadron Commander. The inspector said PO Brutis is doing well, "showing you the ropes"!

Shipyard will be "Going Mobile" again on Tuesday for a month. We're visiting the US breadbasket (Kansas and Iowa) before returning to the basement workshop in Colorado, to hole up for the winter.

Shipyard will be "Going Mobile" again on Tuesday for a month. We're visiting the US breadbasket (Kansas and Iowa) before returning to the basement workshop in Colorado, to hole up for the winter.