First, I sized and installed the support beam for the forecastle after both guns are in place to my liking.
After this, the forecastle was first loosely fitted and tailored.
Painted the galley flue between the upper gun deck and the forecastle black and also placed it so that the forecaste fits perfectly.
After this was done I started making the main hatch between the mortar pits.
This is loose on the deck since the anchor cable has to be pulled here at a later stage and placed in the main hatch.
2 holes on the front of the hatch have already been made for this purpose.
A small deck must be reinforced between the main hatch and the front mortar pit.
According to the description I should use 1x a piece of 5x2mm and 6x a piece of 4x2mm. Unfortunately, there is no slat of 5x2mm with the model.
The deck reinforced should be just as wide as the main hatch and the 4x2mm is actually slightly wider, 4.31mm which is very nice.
I sawed 7 slats to size and used them instead of the 5 and 4 mm slats suggested in the description.
Now the deck reinforcement also comes out just right.
Of course the hole for the mast was also made immediately.
My next step was to start the quarterdeck bulkhead.
Painted the inside first black and read everything first as these are many parts and it takes a lot of patience and a lot of fitting work.
First all parts cut out and lightly sanded.
After this I put everything together several times via dry fitting until I was satisfied.
Painted the front panels blue and then put everything together.

The curved pillars still need to be covered with a piece of walnut strip of 3x0.5mm.
Because this is somewhat bent, I wetted 3 pieces of strip and bent it with the bending aid of the planking.