Cross-section of a 17th-century Pinas by Peter

Good morning Peter. Stunning work. Man I had to look really hard to see tiny errors in the Top timbers. I agree with Paul re the cannon height and his solution. Will make a big difference to the appearance. I love the red colour of your cannons. Cheers Grant
Hello Grant, yes, you and @dockattner are both right, the canons have to be altered a bit, i have been looking around for a bit, and in the digital made Pinas from @Ab Hoving and a few of his colleagues, i made a screen-copy of part of the gun deck, ( i hope i am allowed to share it, if not i will delete it ).

Kanons Pinas.jpg

If somebody is interested, the link to the program is: if it has already been mentioned on the forum, my apologies.

But overhere i found that the frontwheels have to be quite a bit larger.

So that is what i am going to do.

The red colour is by the way from the Kolderstok range of colours.
A nice progress and nice pictures, Peter. And changing the wheels is a piece of cake, just like changing the summer/winter tires of your car. ;)
Regards, Peter
Hello Peter, you are right, and the canons wil be rebuilld, the 1,5 millimeter timber wil be removed and the wheels are going to be altered, until the carriage is standing horizontal :) :)