I have made the sternpost out of two separate pieces of pear as per the drawings of O.Blom.

A slot was milled in the sternpost, into which a piece of plywood fits. That piece of plywood was part of the plywood out of which the middle frame was made and later used as a stand on which the hull was built (see the first picture below). That piece of plywood therefore fits perfectly into the slot in the hull. It will keep the sternpost firmly in place when gluing it to the hull. The same method will apply later for the keel and bow.

The stern was sanded down to fit the round shape of the sternpost. At that time I marked out the sternpost in line with the planking and milled down both sides of the sternpost onto which the remaining two rows of planks will fit. Looking at the last pictures please bear in mind the sternpost is not yet glued to the model and the bottom part will be shortened as soon as the last plank is fitted to the sternpost.

And now on to the last two rows of planking.

A slot was milled in the sternpost, into which a piece of plywood fits. That piece of plywood was part of the plywood out of which the middle frame was made and later used as a stand on which the hull was built (see the first picture below). That piece of plywood therefore fits perfectly into the slot in the hull. It will keep the sternpost firmly in place when gluing it to the hull. The same method will apply later for the keel and bow.

The stern was sanded down to fit the round shape of the sternpost. At that time I marked out the sternpost in line with the planking and milled down both sides of the sternpost onto which the remaining two rows of planks will fit. Looking at the last pictures please bear in mind the sternpost is not yet glued to the model and the bottom part will be shortened as soon as the last plank is fitted to the sternpost.

And now on to the last two rows of planking.