It seems to me that photo etch, at least on ship models, is and exercise in torture, both physical and mental. That is until the finished product, which yields such detail and personal satisfaction and that’s worth to all of your efforts. In regards to rolling those railings around the funnels, I don’t know if you’ve tried it, but I found using a piece of dense packing foam, or even foam board, the type used for display presentations, works as a base under which you can roll and create the curve. For me it works pretty well. You just have to be careful with pressure and not to roll it too far so that it damages your other bends.
By the way, as you and I both know, several of the Titanic research sites are no longer available, and I know you have definitely done your homework in preparing for this build and your forthcoming larger Titanic project. If you need any type of research that you cannot find, I may have it and would be glad to share what I have.