HIGH HOPES, WILD MEN AND THE DEVIL’S JAW - Willem Barentsz Kolderstok 1:50

REALLY nice Heinrich! Those rails are very elegant for their simplicity.
Thank you very much Paul. I think that what works on this little ship is the simplicity of line of everything. Viewed separately, each part is remarkably simple; added together, it remains simple, but becomes elegant at the same time!
Sometimes news from Shanghai makes its way to Europe and it ain't pretty. I wish you baye veel sterkte.
Thank you very much for the well-wishes Johan. Yes, it's serious, but I am in total awe at the magnitude with which the Chinese government is tackling this. They are leaving no stone unturned and their organization is exceptional.
Thank you very much for the well-wishes Johan. Yes, it's serious, but I am in total awe at the magnitude with which the Chinese government is tackling this. They are leaving no stone unturned and their organization is exceptional.
I just received videos from Shanghai. Robot dogs roaming the streets, drones buzzing the city all with audio to the citizenry and men in white suits stopping vehicles.

Stay safe from everything my friend
I just received videos from Shanghai. Robot dogs roaming the streets, drones buzzing the city all with audio to the citizenry and men in white suits stopping vehicles.

Stay safe from everything my friend
Yes - and then there is of course the nitty-gritty part - the logistics of managing and controlling all the controlled and locked-down areas, food distribution to everyone, the computerized system of monitoring the three different health-code mobile phone applications and status of everyone and the enormity of all the testing. Imagine testing everyone in a province for five consecutive days inside each and every community with an in-queue waiting time average of no more than half an hour! Mind-boggling!
Yes - and then there is of course the nitty-gritty part - the logistics of managing and controlling all the controlled and locked-down areas, food distribution to everyone, the computerized system of monitoring the three different health-code mobile phone applications and status of everyone and the enormity of all the testing. Imagine testing everyone in a province for five consecutive days inside each and every community with an in-queue waiting time average of no more than half an hour! Mind-boggling!
I cant imagine the man power needed to make that all happen. Keep yourself safe and lay low and just embrace modelling ❤️
I cant imagine the man power needed to make that all happen. Keep yourself safe and lay low and just embrace modelling ❤️
Thank you very much for the well wishes Rob. Yes, fortunately China has no shortage of manpower, but it is organizing and managing that manpower that is the challenge.
In South Africa we have "afval". If you translate this, you will get tripe, but that is not strictly correct. "Afval" is literally everything - so you can imagine it gets a bit gory at times! China, of course, has its chicken feet, duck blood, stomach lining, etc. to boot.
So how do you pronounce it? It looks like it would be pronounced „awful.“
Hello Philski, could you give me more news of this book? I thank you
Hello Frank. May I ask you a favor? The Roemervissers document you sent me, would only download partially. Could you possibly send me that document again? It is an extremely valuable document.

Thank you so much in advance.