HIGH HOPES, WILD MEN AND THE DEVIL’S JAW - Willem Barentsz Kolderstok 1:50

All those planking details aside - that is one shapely hull Heinrich! Well done and well designed.
Thank you Paul - she is looking up. I agree with you - I also love the hull shape,
What a splendid shape, I didn’t realize that there would that much of a “curve” in the upper section of the hull. I’m fascinated by what you have accomplished so far. Your build pictures only show your results not the amount of thinking, planning and then the execution of whatever build step you are working on. Kudos my friend, what a great job.


((BTW. I don’t know about Ron but I still think I’m going to need counseling while working on this build))
@Pathfinder65 Thank you so much Jan. The planning is pretty much summed up in the build log - that is why some people will probably find it too technical and boring :). As far as the execution goes, I wish I could make some videos, but my circumstances and "shipyard" are simply not conducive to that.
I too love the shape of the hull and what I like to call the sag or dip you see as your eyes follow from bow to stern. For me, the terminating point of a lost strake has always created a very slight PI or (point of intersection) which makes it difficult to make the factory edge of the next strake smoothly lie across the intersection. I can see though you have succsesfully acomplishd this.
@Daniel20 Thank you for the kind words Daniel. I also don't enjoy doing lost strakes - as you say, getting the next plank to fir properly (especially if it forms part of a curvature, is a real challenge. That lost strake cost me one discarded plank and a long time shaping and sanding the final version.
@Pathfinder65 Thank you so much Jan. The planning is pretty much summed up in the build log - that is why some people will probably find it too technical and boring :). As far as the execution goes, I wish I could make some videos, but my circumstances and "shipyard" are simply not conducive to that.

Boring, never. Boring would be showing construction of all cannons. :(
Are you planning to add all the cannons to your build? I know you squeezed the two in the stern.
I did order cannons with mine however, I believe I will not include them in the build and leave the doors closed.
Just planning ahead as currently being limited to the amount of build time I can squeeze in, the Speeljacht is keeping me busy.
Oh, how i miss the days when I would spend 10-12 hours a day working in the shop. :(
Heinrich there is an amazing amount of thought in the way you are going about your planking, It's a joy to see a great mind at work and it's something I need to try and apply for myself on my next build.
@rtibbs Hello Ron. I have eight cannons (two of which are destined for the stern) so there are three more to fit on either side. However, I am still thinking about it. It seems that to open all gun ports will mean removing parts of some of the bulkheads as some of the gun port openings are directly in front of a bulkhead or at least part of a bulkhead. While I am busy with the bottom planking, I will give this more thought.
Heinrich there is an amazing amount of thought in the way you are going about your planking, It's a joy to see a great mind at work and it's something I need to try and apply for myself on my next build.
Hi Richie. I was fortunate that most of the thinking had been done by Piet, but yes, there seems to be a lot of planning involved. In reality, if you make 100% sure that your first plank conforms perfectly to the double scribed line on the bulkheads, you should be fine with the rest of the planking.
@Maarten Hi Maarten. Thank you very much for the picture. What is interesting is that bulkhead #6 in the kit conforms to that first "frame" (indicated by the arrow) in the picture below. It is significant, because it indicates the widest point of the hull and care has to be taken to fair that bulkhead correctly.


What is interesting is that both the Speeljacht (that @rtibbs ) is building and the Fluit (which is under development) is also constructed via the "shell-first" method, just like Dutch ships were built originally.
Jan, counseling no. Therapy, probably:)

How about a large bottle of ale, rum or what other spirits are in the kegs below deck. BeerPills

ROTF Kurt, I am afraid that approach will cause you a double headache. One will be a physiological headache the next morning and the other a visual one, when you see what your planking looks like. :)