Dear Friends
Work continues in every spare moment available. Tonight, I am showing you real Work in Progress pictures with sanding dust and wet glue et al.
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Both railings between the two canopies have been fitted and sanded smooth. The fit is beautiful and I'm very happy with that.
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I have also assembled the keel and frames of the sloop (chaloup) which I think will be the version that I will use. You will notice that the sternmost bulkhead is missing. The reason is to be found below.
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This monstrosity that looks as if it has no rhyme or reason, is in fact the rearmost bulkhead of the sloop that is being planked. I post this picture on purpose to show a process and not just a finished result.
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This is in actual fact what is happening on the other side!
Bear in mind that the width of the bulkhead is approximately 12mm into which 6 planks on either side have been squeezed into at an angle of 45 degrees. The top two planks and bottom two ones have in fact been glued together before they were glued onto the bulkhead as there would simply not be enough gluing surface on the bulkheads for the planks to adhere to.
Hopefully, I can show you some better-finished pictures tomorrow night.