Thank you as always, for your concern Allan. I’m very sorry to have wasted your time. You see, the thing is, I don’t even care enough to look at the photos to see what you mean.
To me, it is only a toy boat, not a museum piece for reference, it doesn’t matter to me anymore that blocks are upside down or some lines are simply tied onto the nearest easy place. I lose no sleep about the lack of clove hitches in the ludicrously widely spaced rat lines (which nobody has noticed).
I realise that other people have other priorities and I have held different opinions myself in the fairly recent past concerning the value of ‘authenticity’, but in the words of the philosopher Mr C Gable “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
I just want to get it finished to a standard that will impress the casual observer and not offend me too much. Why? So that I’m not defeated by the last kit I ever make, but end a long career of model making by achieving at least those limited goals.