HM Armed Cutter Alert (1777) - Vanguard Models - 1/64

I'll admit I enjoy reading other people's posts because in doing so, I find nuggets of information and techniques that might enable me (a rather novice builder) to solve a current problem and help me move forward with my build or employ in future builds.
I started a build log and very irregularly post to it but I found that to stop what I'm doing in order to snap a few pics and write up a blurb that few folks are going to read is more of a distraction. However, I'm very thankful and appreciative for those who maintain a very detailed build log such as yourself, Smithy. And as I've posted before, I enjoy your wit and wordsmithing.


I’m sorry, Henry. I also apologise to any other watcher who has taken my comment personally. What I was really interested in was the general idea that these forums lead us to watch and then become demoralised by the excellence that we find. Not that you’ll find any excellence here on my build log, although I’m frequently told her that it’s a work o fart.
Thank you as always, for your concern Allan. I’m very sorry to have wasted your time. You see, the thing is, I don’t even care enough to look at the photos to see what you mean.

To me, it is only a toy boat, not a museum piece for reference, it doesn’t matter to me anymore that blocks are upside down or some lines are simply tied onto the nearest easy place. I lose no sleep about the lack of clove hitches in the ludicrously widely spaced rat lines (which nobody has noticed). ROTF

I realise that other people have other priorities and I have held different opinions myself in the fairly recent past concerning the value of ‘authenticity’, but in the words of the philosopher Mr C Gable “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn.”

I just want to get it finished to a standard that will impress the casual observer and not offend me too much. Why? So that I’m not defeated by the last kit I ever make, but end a long career of model making by achieving at least those limited goals.
"last kit"? "end a long career of model making"?
I'm confused. Didn't I read, not too long ago, some very enthusiastic posts from you detailing a planned diorama of a derelict vessel? Redface