HMS Alert by DST

I was wrong about the notches in the beam. They are not for the legs of the windlass but for the bitts and should face forwards. The drawing in the instructions is wrong as it depicts the nothes facing aft.

I started shaping and dryfitting the lower deck beams.



Cutting the deck clamps is challenging due to the restricted space. Witch chisels and the blade removed from the scalpel it was doable.




Testfitting the beam


Marking the ends according tho the dimensions in the instructions and slicing with the chisel, leaving about 1mm to fine tune...


...until it fits. The beam should sit level (obviously) and perpendicular to the length of the keel. For that it is necessary to fine tune the notches of the deck clamp until it sits correctly in the 2 planes (adjusting slightly fore and aft and well as the depth).


And I had to make sure that all beams are on the same level as the one next to it. 5 beams are done with some minor adjustments needed once they are all in place.


I am still not sure if I want to do treenails. I will not be doing copper or brass bolts.
Although I'm really impressed by what some modellers are creating with shoemakers nails or cupped burrs I personally like the overall "clean" look of a framed model. So if I'm doing "bolts" it will all be treenails. And for the same reason I will not do the full interior, only the beams for the lower deck.