HMS GRANADO 1:48 scale PoF CAF Model by Keith

Awesome news Keef. Lots of prayers answered!!!

I dealt with prostate cancer 3 years ago. Rounds of radiation (no surgery) and today, the prognosis is good. I hope your journey with cancer goes well and new technology, faith, and a strong constitution find you well and starting a new model in a few years!! Be well my friend...look forward to more pictures of your wonderful build.
These are very good news - wish you a fast recovery
Hi guys! Thank you for your kind thoughts concerning my health issues. I'm very pleased to say the surgery went well and the stitches are coming out on Tuesday. In the mean time l'm happily returning to my workshop and Granado build today. The centre sections, port and starboard, of the mortar beam clamps are fitted. These are 3 mm thick strips and the bow and stern sections require some pretty hefty bending which is quite a challenge at that thickness. While attempting this, l have made up the five riders for the forward mortar bed supporting the 13 inch mortar. These must have been impressive, chunky pieces of timber on the actual ship which support the weight and recoil forces of this very heavy weapon. The inner surfaces have to be sanded and chamfered to fit the curve of the hull. One is done and dry fitted to test the fit, but the clamps and inner planking have to be finished yet before the riders can be installed permanently in position, so a bit more work needed yet





Good to hear that your recovery is ongoing forward - your workshop was missing you
Very good progress
I am crossing the fingers with the installation (and especially the bending) of the clamps fore and aft - it is tricky, yes, but I am pretty sure, that you will rock them :cool:
Good to hear that your recovery is ongoing forward - your workshop was missing you
Very good progress
I am crossing the fingers with the installation (and especially the bending) of the clamps fore and aft - it is tricky, yes, but I am pretty sure, that you will rock them :cool:
Thank you Uwe. Yes it's good to be back. l shall be catching up with you in no time (I think not) :)
l shall be catching up with you in no time (I think not) :)
my model has to be completed in October, because I will go with my Granado to the meeting in Evian in France - she HAS to be finished

Hi All. The first 5 riders for the mortar beds are made up and fitted in their position at the bow section, for the 13 inch mortar and work is underway for the 10 inch mortar bed risers at the stern










It's 6 months today since starting this Granado project and this is the progress so far. The riders are in place now, fore and aft and I have begun work on the storage racks for the mortar bombs. I think before proceeding any further, a coat of Clou is called for on the inside of the hull. This is the finish I have chosen for this build as it brings out the beauty of the wood without adding any colour. It is spirit based, so unlike oil based products it will not affect the adhesion of any further parts glued to it. (That's the plan anyway). I have used this before and seen it used on Uwe's Granado build and it looks great











It is very interesting to me to see the addition of those heavy reinforcing ribs to absorb the shock of the mortars when they fire off. Makes perfect sense considering the steep angle of attack, I suppose the mortars can fire almost vertical.
It is very interesting to me to see the addition of those heavy reinforcing ribs to absorb the shock of the mortars when they fire off. Makes perfect sense considering the steep angle of attack, I suppose the mortars can fire almost vertical.
The kit supplies wedges to support the mortars at a 45 degree angle, which l presume was the optimum angle