Good morning Uwe, perhaps I have overlooked it but I would be interested to know if you have already glued the deck construction to the frames or can you take everything out again completely. My question is based on the interior construction. As I understand it, you are going to make the parting cut and I assume that you will then do the finishing. I imagine it is difficult how to proceed in this case so that everything fits together again afterwards. Or can you take the deck out again and then build the interior, put the decks back in and then cut it? Questions about questions I know but I'm just interested in what the plan is.
Let me try to explain.
Here once more an older sketch with the first idea, which will be most probable the cuting line
I checked with the outer planking, especially with the wales, which should be on the upper part, that it will be appr. this cuuting line
the cutting line is appr. the green dotted line
the red line shows the final planked line with the complete wales on the upper element - so the wales will slightly overlapp the cut
In the cross section (midship) it is looking like this (here sorry the colours are changed)
The red line is th cutting of the farmes and the beams for the mortar beds are lower part
the center area with the mortar is still open for discussion (pink lines)
On the right side I showed the outer planking, dark blue are the three wale-planks which will be fixed to the upper part
Here with red lines the approximate cutting line
Now to your question related to the deck structures
The structure of the deck in the green area (numbered #13 in the cross section) is fixed to the hull, because it is definitely higher than the cutting line
Only the structure of the aft area (marked in red) is lower and I am afraid, that I could damage it when I cut the hull - so I will not fix it to the hull before the "BIG CUT" - I will fix this afterwards
The problem that the upper part of the hull will be weak at the aft area where no deck structure is fixed inside, I have to strengthen it from outside, maybe with already installed wales..... I will see
It sounds very weired and complex -
Yes -
IT IS weired and complex and I am thinking about this already over weeks
- and I am pretty sure, that I will forget something when I start with the saw
But there is no way back