Bonjour,Bonjour, Quelle est la taille des clous que vous utilisez (diamètre, longueur) ? C'est certainement indiqué sur le forum mais je ne retrouve pas la page.
merci d'avance
Hello, What is the size of the nails you use (diameter, length)? It's probably mentioned on the forum but I can't find the page.
thank you in advance
many thanks for your interest and the question.
I am using for these things 0,5mm copper nails from aeronaut, these are also avilable in 0,6 and 0,7mm
so depending on the location inside the model I am choosing the visual correct diameter.
Length, I do not know exactly, because I never check this, because I need only the first 3 to 5mm - the rest will be cut with pliers
I usual order these nails (german also called "Stift" or "Nagel") from this company