Very astute! The proximity of the outboard stern chasers to the stern-most side gun ports is a point of several conversations regrading HMS Sovereign of the Seas. Not all of the ports have guns. The Sovereign has 118 gun ports and only 102 guns. Guns are often moved from one port to another if the tactical situation requires it. For the stern quarter, there may be enough room for guns to exists on the stern and on the broadside at the same time, but the spacing is very close. It helps that at those corners, only the broadside or only the stern chaser would typically be used at a time if there is room for both. If not, then one gun would be moved from the side port to the stern port or vice-versa as needed in battle, and that would not happen often.I won't comment anymore on the demolition derby you're undertaking, instead, I would like to address something else I find difficult to understand. So please, take no offense, but when looking at your last two pictures, I can't help but notice the close proximity of the two most outboard (port/starboard) gunports and the two aftmost gunports(again port/starboard) facing sideways. Do you still have sufficient room to be able to install the cannons, carriers and other hardware, without running into some interference issues?
Kind regards,
PS I admire your bravity, don't think I'd find the guts to go where you went with your build...![]()
As for kit bashing, don't fear your tools. Only your model should fear your tools.