HMS Victory 1:96 based on Shipyard

From the original model I used only the frames and the first white cover. The frames are glued onto 1 mm thick cardstock, the white cover is a paper (0.2 mm thick). If a part requires gluing, it is specified in the Shipyard's cut-out. Sometimes it is necessary to stick a part with 1mm thick cardstock, sometimes 2 mm. My friend from Poland is building a model only from a cut-out, without using additional parts as I did. If you are interested, here you can see how his work looks like
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Thanx Brother I'll go check it out, but I really like your build especially all the filler between bulkheads it shows thought in a better end result. I would definitely build it with thicker stock laminated to the paper. Probably end up using wood on the moldings or build the paper up for the 3D look and Paint it the proper colors. This ship should be pretty large at 105CM length, I assume that's measuring the Bowsprit also do you have the Hull dimensions handy? if not down worry about. I think I'm gonna order the kit and also grab the Masts and sails kits as well for it so it will be a complete kit for the most part.
Thank you all for the compliments.:) I am glad that you like my work. The advantage of cardboard modeling is definitely that there is no dust.;) It also requires less expensive tools to make the model and less space for work. It's also cheaper then wooden modeling, though not as it was before.
Another great example of what you can do with cardboard stock, patience and passion. Step by step explanation and use of custom jigs makes this build log very interesting. I like the idea of using the hypodermic needle as the treenail plugs. This is less time\material consuming compare to a traditional (toothpick dowels), and the output is great. Not to mention is more authentic as the plugs go alone the wood fibers. :cool:

Hi i have just opened up and looking forward to building this model as i am gathering stuff together card etc and photocopied hull and keel as a dry run before I cut the real paper i wondering if you could help firstly i thought this was 109cm in lengh but my dry run only is 65cm also 1-3 is for one side and 4-5 is the other so this make the frame thick is this correct also the lenghs of wood are these on the very bottom of the hull many thanks in advance
Never again. In my opinion it is not perfect, but it must remain so.
G'day mate.
Your are in good company with that statement. I believe everyone here always think the same. I have rebuilt and rebuilt things, to get to my own standards, but unfortunately that standards are in our minds only.
Looking at your model, I can't find any errors, so take a deep breath and say to yourself, that is fine.
We modelers are a special bunch of people, who thrives for excellence and the 'lumber in our eyes' blocks us from seeing, what is in front of us.
When laying the copper plating, I used too thick copper strips - with a black glue. It would be better to make them from copper strips with transparent glue - they are simply thinner. Such learning for the future. That's why I'm not entirely satisfied with the work effect.
I think it's good to be dissatisfied with your own work because it forces us to do more effort and get better results. Fortunately, I see mistakes in my work and that means I can improve them in the future.

Bazgg. I am sorry that I will not answer, but I can not read from your description where the problem is. Maybe you can put some picture?
Hi i have just opened up and looking forward to building this model as i am gathering stuff together card etc and photocopied hull and keel as a dry run before I cut the real paper i wondering if you could help firstly i thought this was 109cm in lengh but my dry run only is 65cm also 1-3 is for one side and 4-5 is the other so this make the frame thick is this correct also the lenghs of wood are these on the very bottom of the hull many thanks in advance
The frame for the victory build will be 2mm thick I will measure my frame when I get off work today but I think the 109 includes the bow paupet
Iv been looking at your build and its Fab beyond words hope mine is as good