Making some progress,, I am done with the upper gun deck bulworks,, the gunport are okay,, not perfect, but I can live with them. I am going to start painting now,, as per the directions and then after that it will be time to start making the guns for the gun deck. I lost the bag of black dome head nails that were in the kit , tried to reorder them from Caldercraft and got the wrong nails even after I asked for confirmation that I was ordering the right thing. I am so anal about things like that, not sure how to proceed with replacing the lost black round head nails that were in the kit. (Sigh). Not sure the best way to proceed with the painting, I am thinking the gun port linings in red, then the inner bulworks in yellow, then the hull yellow,, then I will tape up the lines and use the airbrush to put on the black for the hull.. have some more sanding to do, it will be enough when my tolerance ends I think. I am weirdly looking forward to the coopering, but will have to get some help with that, had a lot of problems coppering my vanguard, the superglue spilled onto the outside of the plates and I could never get it completely clean and nice the way I wanted. Again, thoughts, advice, etc, always welcome. Lastly the case for my vanguard will done in a week or so, so the Vanguard will be vanishing from my workstand and officially done..
Thanks for all the support and advice!!!
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