HMS Victory by Y.T.- Mamoli - 1:90 scale

For a long while I was working on the issue of rigging blocks. I finally decided that I will be making them instead of buying. It is quite an absurd amount of blocks listed in the McKey book on Victory. I counted around fifteen hundred. I maybe not correct but quantity is high anyways. I definitely didn’t want making them one by one. I was thinking of the automation of the process. Finally I made some tools and jigs. Today I gave it a first try. I decided first to go with smallest blocks I am able to make. I decided on 3 mm ones. There are about 600 of them listed in the Victory book. First try was in hard maple. Actual blocks I plan making from some good expensive wood like a boxwood. Here we go.
I hope you can use some of the wood I sent you The bigger piece of hard Boxwood I sent should suffice for everything. And there may even be enough of the cherry piece which is unusually hard an close grained. The maple ones look great and are crafted so beautifully in record time! :D Thumbs-UpOkay

I hope you can use some of the wood I sent you The bigger piece of hard Boxwood I sent should suffice for everything. And there may even be enough of the cherry piece which is unusually hard an close grained.
I didn't know we have such a nice service as sending wood to our members. :p I understand I might be at the bottom of the list, hoping one day to receive my batch ;)