HMS Victory by Y.T.- Mamoli - 1:90 scale

I am with Jim,I can't wait for the next update.I love your build,it demonstrates what can be achieved from the recipe of what is included in the kit and create something exceptional.
I have one question,you gun carriage is painted yellow,do you intend to paint the hull?Surely it would be a shame to cover your magnificent planking.

Kind Regards

YT I sprayed my Royal Caroline all over with thinned matt Polyurethane varnish including the windows which were Mica.It gave the model an old period look and at the same time prevented anyone seeing what was behind the glazing.I did also paint the area behind matt black for added insurance.,

Kind Regards

Jim I get it from a hardware store.It is used for glazing in oil lamps as it is heat resistant.It isn't easy to glue properly,I ran a bead of epoxy inside around the edge.I didn't chance Cyano incase it fogged.Another option is to sandwich it in the construction.A little goes a long way as you can split the Mica edge on into really thin layers using a scalpel blade.

Kind Regards

Jim I get it from a hardware store.It is used for glazing in oil lamps as it is heat resistant.It isn't easy to glue properly,I ran a bead of epoxy inside around the edge.I didn't chance Cyano incase it fogged.Another option is to sandwich it in the construction.A little goes a long way as you can split the Mica edge on into really thin layers using a scalpel blade.
Thank you, Nigel. I think I know what are you talking about. They use to use it in the toasters (very old model) as isolation for heaters elements. Gotcha...
Mica is a natural crystal material. Here is a picture and link to buy it in US. I plan sandwiching it into a window frames. No glue will be used on it. Mica is a mineral. Alternatively it can be glued with epoxy adhesive.

Hi Norway. This is how it looks like: