HMS Victory Mantua 1:78 (first build) by Grant Tyler

Wow, four thousand knots, clicking your BIC on the ratlines, lowering the Boom on the the crew,,I’m impressed by all you’ve done. BTW, I’m sure your Victory would have floated, probably as much as the VasaROTF
Good morning Jan. Thanks. Been fun (other than tying plenty clove hitches) Grants Victory is full of MacGyverisms for sure. Not all accurate, but appear more so than the Mantua kit version. Yep straight down to the bottom of the pool she will go ROTF . Cheers Grant
Good morning.

My last post for a short while as I must “dry my tears” and block the foremast yards - I have been putting this off.

Finished off the Driver boom guy pendants. (pretty self explanatory)
A better picture (excuse all the shadows) of the Driver boom lift lines. These blocks were difficult for me to whip as there was little space to work with. (first attempt at using tweezers to whip- was rather funny) I have a feeling more are to come :
I do need to tie off all the driver boom lines - a task for another day.
Cheers Grant
Don't keep us waiting too long for that next post. Your posts are part of my daily fix.
As an honoured friend who assisted me a whole lot during my Victory build I will humbly meet your request ;).

My Hammocks- my favourite subject. I gave up trying to make these over the past few days so decided on the canvas cover approach. As per this drawing:
One can see the netting is almost part of the bulwark and at a time was wood. The wood was replaced with netting around the time of Trafalgar as this splintered when hit by cannon fire and caused damage and injury. This artist still had the wood at the time of Trafalgar in his painting.

I simulated the canvas cover in my netting. I like it a lot and so Grants Victory Hammocks shall be. I may add the metal hooks which go over the canvas at each crane for detail.

Some pics of Grants Victory with the Hammocks covered with canvas

…and a fun photo..
And tomorrow morning I must carry on doing the blocks.
Cheers Grant
I agree. The canvas looks wonderful and adds even more body to the ship. And the fun pic, is a keeper! What a stunning picture!
Good Evening

The Driver gaff is rigged to Mizzen mast by the :
1. Throat Halyard and Parral beads
2. Peak Halyard
3. Port and Starboard Vangs and tackle
Tied off to cleats on the poop deck and transom:
The Driver boom top lifts tied off to the belay pin rack.
The Driver boom and gaff rigged to lower Mizzen. The top gallant braces and peak halyards still to be done.
Cheers Grant

….and a fun photo











Rigging work is awesome and (parenthetically) aftermarket blocks make a Huge difference.
I assume that there are not kit provided examples?
This has become a beautiful ship Grant! You really have done an excellent job on the masts and rigging. I am very impressed with it! ;)
Thanks Dean. Many many errors have been made however it is starting to look like A ship now. Many hours of touch up and little details to do but I am waiting until all the standing rigging is done. Thanks again. Cheers Grant
Good morning . Thanks Jan @Pathfinder65 , Mark @Nomad , Johan @RDN1954 .

Very little build time on the Victory this week.

I did manage to start rigging the foremast yards- the parrals, tyes and topping lifts. A hash mash of rope at present as nothing is tied off.

The rigging is the same as the main mast so once done I will just send some pics.

Cheers Grant