Currently I've been trying to figure out a way to build Ingermanland in a different direction than that set fourth by manufacturers instructions, and there are times that I feel like it's an unwinnable battle...

As I've mentioned before, I want to build up the hull, fully planked and outfitted with hardware, and then install the decks and cannons, etc. This direction goes completely against the instruction booklet, and I also feel it during the build. From here on out, it's a thinkers build that will lead me into uncharted waters, needing a little modifying to pieces and parts to make this ship go together the way that I want it to. I'm to the point where the thinking and planing will take longer than the actual building. Probably, this is a common among wooden ship builders, and I must add that I'm going to hurdle each and every obstacle that comes my way
As I build, I use the photos from the internet to help me along the way, as the manual jumps around and doesn't really lay down a nice clear path from start to end. The manual (along with the internet photos of the build) show the decks being installed before the hull is planked. This causes a problem for me because I am wanting to have the cannons poking out of their ports once the ship is complete, and if I install all of the decks and cannons before planking the hull then the cannons; I'm guessing, will be tumbled around so much, while planking the hull, that they will finally break free and just wonder around on the deck and there will be no way to re-position them once the hull is complete. And because of this, I'm currently looking for ways to make the deck sections fit into the hull and I see that there will be some modifying going on when I come to the actual deck installation process.
Believe it or not...
I actually like the challenge