Ingermanland 1715 (2014) * Shi Cheng * 1:50 Scale

G'day John
I think you should stop the second planking now!
I believe you are using the wrong 0.5mm planks here. They might be for the decking planks etc.
Below the plywood is a wale and under that is the first layer cut planks only.
Do you have in the kit some thicker lazer cut timber that fits here?
I feel the wale goes here as per this photo.
I believe that you should remove or sand away the second planking on the first lazer cut planks.
Please re-read the instructions.
I could be wrong, but I didn't thinks so.
Greg, I haven't started with the second planking yet. I'm still working on the first layer (Laser Cut) planking. Because I've never done this before I've been relying on any information that I could find along the way. Here on this site someone had sent me a link to a full set of photos of this kit being built from start to finish. They first installed the laser cut planks, and then installed a second layer of planking over that (this is the photo you saw above). Because there are no written instruction with this kit, I have relied on these photos when I had unanswered questions. The photos are great, and have explained a lot to me along the way (much better than the illustrated instructions that came with the kit), and I've also been in contact with an actual builder of this very kit on my Facebook page that has also given me some great advice also. Because of the fitting, I will need to rely on the second planking to dress the hull correctly, but I will do it differently than the photo that I posted a few posts up. And when I come to that stage I will heavily rely on all of you for detailed information in regards to the most accurate of ways to plank ;) But I still have a ways to go on this first run of planks, and progress will halt for the time being as I will return to work for 21 days. :rolleyes: :D
21 days no time to work on your model sounds like holidays. :cool:

By the way, happy birthday,

John has birthday in October, visible in his personal "about" in his profile ( and would have done an anouncement in the general area)
........ and he will work in his job for the next 21 days, so no modeling possible.....this is how I understand.

Back to your planking:
The photo in your post #161 is showing the principle very clear. First the laser cut to get a good surface - maybe some filling afterwards - and than afterwards on top a final second layer, thin with 0,5mm so easier to adjust.....and it looks like better quality wood.
Please understand: Due to the fact, that the use of a laser cut planking is a relative new technique, everybody not knowing or without this experience is afraid......
And we are pretty sure, that you have checked this more than two let us take once more the seat in the first row. We are looking forward to see more photos of your planking work (in 21 days or so..... :cool: )
The photo in your post #161 is showing the principle very clear. First the laser cut to get a good surface - maybe some filling afterwards - and than afterwards on top a final second layer, thin with 0,5mm so easier to adjust.....and it looks like better quality wood.
Thanks, Uwe;)
The laser cut planks are actually from eucalyptus (they smell nice when I heat them lol) and even at 2 mm thick, I can easily wrap them around the bow and twist them to the stern when they are dry, but I always soak them and then bend them with my iron so they fit nicely and pose less stress on the hull and nails. In any way, the second planking, as Uwe noted, will be needed to dress the hull appropriately :)

I want to thank all of you because your help and concerns are greatly appreciated! :)
The builder of the first Ingermanland kit (the same kit that I'm building) says that there are two layers of planking, the first being laser cut 2 milometers thick and the second being 0.5 milometers thick (not laser cut. ;)

View attachment 47372

G'day Victor, just to confirm you are right about the the lower hull being double planked, it just seemed strange that they would put the laser cut planks on first, I still wasn't sure so I emailed one of the kit sellers and this is what he replied, and he sent the photo you have posted, I apologize if I misled you, but it is good to have confirmation that you are right,

Dear friend
this is top end product
And with double planks
You can see the picture that I send to you


Best regards John.
G'day Victor, just to confirm you are right about the the lower hull being double planked, it just seemed strange that they would put the laser cut planks on first, I still wasn't sure so I emailed one of the kit sellers and this is what he replied, and he sent the photo you have posted, I apologize if I misled you, but it is good to have confirmation that you are right,

Dear friend
this is top end product
And with double planks
You can see the picture that I send to you

View attachment 47539

Best regards John.
LOL! That's the photo that I sent to him, asking if this was correct! I know this because I'm the one that added the wording to the photo :p I had sent this photo to Gloria (the woman that sold me the kit) to confirm with the manufacturer that it was correct. I got the same answer that you did...without the picture. lol ;)

Thanks for making sure for my sake, Neptune :D
WOW! I finally made it back!!! :p:D:p:D

My friends always ask if I've been working on my ship, and I have to sadly say, "No", but today I actually had a little time on my hands, so I uncovered Ingermanland and laid a few planks to the hull. :D

Because of the laser cut planks, I've been labeling each one as per location and side. This way I am able to remove them from their wooden sprue. At that point, I'm free to sand/shape each piece, in mass, prior to install, thus allowing for a smoother assembly...when I actually have the time to work on it :confused:

I'm really looking forward to shaping the hull for the final planking, and as you can see, I'm almost to the point of having the hull closed up with the false planks! The hull, at this point, is unbelievably solid sounding when I knock on it. lol
