Kingfisher 1770 1:48 POF

I can't say more than that the level of work is incredible. Could you explain how you made the windows? Frankly I'm crazy (amazed - I'm stunned) and I don't take any drugs...
Hello Adry,

I made this from a single piece of holly veneer (its about 0.7 mm thick give or take). I first laid out the windows (there are a total of five) and then cut out the openings for the individual panes of glass with a #11 XActo blade. I then refined the openings with files and a very small (2 mm wide) sanding stick. (The kit offers something similar but inaccurate CNC cuts made the frame pieces unusable.)

I have to do this again for the stern lights...but after those are done I'll never make window frames this way again. This was just a trial to see if I could make this work. I made some lanterns/light boxes earlier in the build report just using thin pieces of boxwood and I rather prefer that approach.

Thanks for the nice post!
Stunning build. Like you, I find mica to be a great glazing material for the lights. I tried very thin microscope slide glass year ago but never could get the hang of cutting the pieces without many tries to get one that did not break. WELL DONE!
You are very kind, Allan.

I agree that mica is a wonderful solution. You can leave it thick or you can strip off layers for a thinner appearance - you can cut it with scissors or a sharp blade - it can even be sanded. I can't imagine a more user-friendly solution that provides a nice period look.
Every time I want to make comments, I'm in a big dilemma: "What else can I say, that I have not said? You have excelled and showcased your skills in building the WASA model. What else is new? But by building The Kingfisher (just your second model), you have proved that you are in love with the hobby!

I love the raised panels a lot! For a moment, I thought, that adding panels in slightly dark colors would be exactly as Orthodontics prescribed, but... once I saw the final wall, I immediately scratched my idea. The wall is in harmony with the panels and the rest of the ship. Love it!

BTW, Enjoy your vacation. I hear the rumor that Cape Cod has huge lobsters. Yam...yam...
Every time I want to make comments, I'm in a big dilemma: "What else can I say, that I have not said? You have excelled and showcased your skills in building the WASA model. What else is new? But by building The Kingfisher (just your second model) model, you have proved that you are in love with the hobby!

I love the raised panels a lot! For a moment, I thought, that adding panels in slightly dark colors would be exactly as Orthodontics prescribed, but... once I saw the final wall, I immediately scratched my idea. The wall is in harmony with the panels and the rest of the ship. Love it!

BTW, Enjoy your vacation. I hear the rumor that Cape Cod has huge lobsters. Yam...yam...
Thank you for this nice post, Jim!

Just so you know...I did make a panel out of pink pearwood (I don't have non-steamed pearwood right now) and it just didn't look good. If I was going to introduce another wood color I should have done it a long time ago (like the holly). And I also painted a panel in blue as there will be a blue band with some painted decorations on the exterior hull, but that didn't look good either (and it was too early to commit to a shade of blue). So, boxwood it had to be :).
Good morning Paul. Firstly enjoy your holiday - although always seem to be on holiday. I clearly chose the incorrect career path;).
Yup. Lots of unproductive running around in 2024 ROTF. Next year will be a bit more settled though there are two trips planned for our 40th anniversary (one for ‘her’ and one for ‘him’). Plus, I received an allocation for a car I have been on the waitlist for. This is not part of the anniversary celebration; in fact, it may lead to its cancelation ROTF.