Very nice work Oliver
Are the semi-circular notches in the mast step for the pumps?
Kind Regards

Kind Regards
Often we as model builders want to create something perfect. The actual builders were not striving for perfection but for the best product for the lowest price build in the shortest time with the material they had at hand. This means nails, dowels and planks were not perfectly alligned but efficiently drilled and placed, creating in our eyes a kinder garten chaos.Hello Uwe,
thank you for your kind words.
i tried to follow the wreck. But if i follow 100% the wreck my model will look like made in the kindergarten from my daughter.
The reallity is a chaos between treenails and iron nails.
View attachment 137117
I believe, IMHO this is because the real ship was built by thousands of people, where one group start the task, and another completed. In the case of a model, we are a single entity (for the most part) in control: from start to finish. Also, the size: On the real ship, it is hard to find the blemish unless you look specifically at it. The model is relatively small and you can see everything at glance.We as model builders are often too precise if we compare it with the real thing.