Hello gents,
wow, a lot of discussion. First, Thanks to all for the kind words. I have as well the Proxxon 2000 Drillstand. I´m not very satisfied with it. Thats the reason why i did some upgrades in my milling park. But, Tony, if you has one, use it, test it. The results will show you your way for the future. Maybe you are supersatisfied with it. My tools are my tools. What i show is a mirror from my point of view and my experience. Maybe its not a good proposal for someone else.
the lightningsystem is worth every cent. It was a good upgrade and not expansive for what it is. Unfortunatly i cant not more hide the messy-lifestyle from my shipyard or any errors from my models.
Here are my tools. The big calmp has a engeneering error. f you turn the screw, the nut will pressed out of the wood. Put the nut on the other side. But this tool works very good and was a big help. Important is to use a hard wood.

wow, a lot of discussion. First, Thanks to all for the kind words. I have as well the Proxxon 2000 Drillstand. I´m not very satisfied with it. Thats the reason why i did some upgrades in my milling park. But, Tony, if you has one, use it, test it. The results will show you your way for the future. Maybe you are supersatisfied with it. My tools are my tools. What i show is a mirror from my point of view and my experience. Maybe its not a good proposal for someone else.
the lightningsystem is worth every cent. It was a good upgrade and not expansive for what it is. Unfortunatly i cant not more hide the messy-lifestyle from my shipyard or any errors from my models.
Here are my tools. The big calmp has a engeneering error. f you turn the screw, the nut will pressed out of the wood. Put the nut on the other side. But this tool works very good and was a big help. Important is to use a hard wood.