La Belle 1/36 - Plan by Jean Boudriot / myself

Amazing work my friend you have some great skills and inventive mindset to get things done. I found these pictures a few days ago thought they may be if interest to you. Best wishes
Holy Smokes!!!! Not only small Master Furniture Makers but those of providing desk and office accessories as well! Looks like some very sharp knives and fine files . . . no glue visible to my eyes. These stimulate my mind as to what may be feasible . . . or not. . . for me. Not likely under the deck on my Bluenose. More reasonably would be a hold partially full of salted cod and fish heads on the deck waiting to be sluiced off through the gurry sluice midships. Rich (PT-2)
Thanks for the pictures. This is the La Belle from Angelo (Grisuzone) in 1/24. I know very well his project, it was a very good help on one point or another.
Scale 1:24 - so we know how it was possible to make these details - but they are looking great
Your deck planking laid down looks well done. What are the plank widths? Also the diameter of the nailing that you use? I have to decide if I can do it with 1/8 inch planks on my Bluenose or fake it with scribed pencil lines for butted ends and small pencil dots for nailing. I used soft graphite pencil rubbed on both edges of the planks for caulking which has turned our very well. Keep up the nice work. Rich (PT-2)
Thanks for all the comments, guys.
@ Nigel. It´s not a challenge. To compare the Saint Phillipe with the La Belle is as well a good joke. ROTF ROTF Thumbs-Up

The Planks has more or less 6mm. I will use a drawplate for the wooden plugs. Maybe 0,8mm....
Those are larger than my 1/8 inch planks so nailing becomes questionable.
Thanks, Rich (PT-2)