LE COUREUR - french Lugger 1776 - POF kit from CAF in 1:48 by Uwe

Some additional work was done on the four main interior wooden walls shown in manual sketch #9

View attachment 196542

Here you can see the four elements from both sides
View attachment 196543

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You can see also the sliding shutter was done
View attachment 196547

I was before a little bit skeptic, if the "sliding" will work, like CAF mentioned in sketch #10 and #11, but is really working well - so try it
View attachment 196544

View attachment 196545
Just to be clear, the plan bulkhead templates are not installed in the hull, just used to determine final shape of the plank walls, if I am correct?
Today I want shortly to show how the interior walls / bulkheads are arranged with the beams in order to get the correct place inside the hull.
It makes a difference if the walls are fore or aft the beam, or under the beam.
I think, that the old shipwrights were usually nailing the boards of such walls against the deck beams, so it would not make a sense to locate them under the beam.

It can be different with other modelers hulls of the Le Coureur, so it is maybe not a fixed guideline......


C1-3 is sitting aft of the beam



you remember maybe, that I made the inner planking too short - here I was able to add some short planks to close the gap (the butt joint will be covered by the wall)

On this side, where I will not close the planking up to the height of the deck, I will have a gap between the frame and the wall - maybe later on some short planking boards, only to fill the gap

C1-2 wall is sitting fore the beam

I will close the gap in the inner planking later on from outside, when the hull is out of the jig and the bulkhead walls are fixed

C1-4 wall is also aft the beam, on the right side you can see once more C1-3

C1-1 wall is sitting also fore the beam. on the left side once more the wall C1-2
"I think, that the old shipwrights were usually nailing the boards of such walls against the deck beams, so it would not make a sense to locate them under the beam."
I have made the same with C1 2. I put it against the deck beam, and in that way it is positionned perfectly in line with the ending of inner plankiing.
The next step will the small decks inside the hold of the hull.

For the preparation of these deck elements CAF delivered with the kit of the Le Coureur also some temporary templates in plywood.


The two rooms fore at the bow

and aft towards the stern

a closer look at the template #12

and under this deck we have the small wall (template No.9) of the powder room

BTW: The width of the deck templates are fitting extremely good also with the distance of the bulkhead / walls etc. - very satisfying !!! Very good preparation by CAF
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In order to get an impression, of what is later visible from the side through the frames, it is now the time to once more open the "windows" in the jig-sidewalls

With this knowledge we can plan and organize the deck planking and hull planking - off course only when you want to show the model with visible interior.

Here once more the birds view

Here the bow with the side view of the templates 5 and 6

and here the stern aft ship part with the deck templates 12 and 7 (red arrows), the green arrow is showing the small wall template 9 and the blue arrow the (finshed-no template any more) C1-4 wall IMG-5095a.jpg

So the templates CAF provided for the individual decks we know already, today I want to show, how I made the deck planking
for the decks in the hold of the Le Coureur

As a first example I will show in detail the deck No.5

The manual is telling us in sketch 20 how to do it - My template was fitting very good inside the inner planking and the two walls

Let us take a close look at the drawings with longitudinal section
the platform is marked with red arrow and the beams with green arrows

and the top view of the platform marked with red lines

on this drawing are the small supporting beams marked - important are also the small support / carlings for the floor flap

First was the check of the correct size for the template here important is the distance as well the outer form of the curve

Partly the location of the beams are already marked with laser - the small carlings as support of the flap have to be marked with pencil - on the right side you can see already the prepared beams with notches for the carlings

do not cut the beams too short - later on it is still time to adjust the length, so they will sit properly on the inner planking
The beams are only fixed with two small spots of glue towards the template - so later in can be removed easily

a short check inside the hull

the first deck planks are prepared with the notches for the flap

all planks are glued and fixed, you can see, that I left the planks in general longer than necessary

This is how it is looking like from the bottom with the template

OK - some adjustments of the form have to be made - following the form of the template

Here the disc-sander was the main power tool

also from the bottom side

- now it is time to remove the deck from the template


check once more - you can see, that the platform is sitting still too high, due to the fact, that the beams are not adjusted at the contact area towards the inner planking

fairing the beams and the outer edge of the planks done

now it is sitting more or less correct

The first internal platform / deck is finished ......... there are some more to prepare
Hello, my friend, your step-by-step instructions are invaluable for other builders! Such a build log inspiring for sure. Hope more members who purchase this wonderful kit will start their logs soon. :cool:
I am going to have to download the build log and print Uwek's entries and photos out in a photo guild on building.

If I can delete the nice, but unneeded comments from others, that don't affect the build instructions, it should make a nice book when I get ready to build.
Some more platforms built

first the platform at the bow

Here I am not planking the complete area - so there could be the mast-foot visible (which I show in short time)
The hole for the mast is still missing

and the compartment deck aft of the store room

photo is showing the deck still with the template
- also here the openings for the pumps are still missing
- and also here I will not completely plank the area, so the pipes of the pumps could be visible

On the this area two small walls with sliding windows are planned

I think for the presentation of my model with partly unplanking etc. only one will be necessary
The second wall would "flying in the air" and would hinder the view inside
- you can see already the markings of the pumps
- also here the window can be opened and closed
hi Uwek I wonder if you intend to glue the inner small decks and compartments before freeing the model from the building jig .. I am concerned about the limitations this could cause later in planking and handling the model
Thanks in advance for the advice
Many Thanks to all of you for the friendly comments and likes - this is the motivation needed....

hi Uwek I wonder if you intend to glue the inner small decks and compartments before freeing the model from the building jig .. I am concerned about the limitations this could cause later in planking and handling the model
Thanks in advance for the advice

Hallo @sisco ,
to be honest -> I do not know in moment how to procede
In moment all the interior constructions like decks, walls etc. are not fixed, but can be well prepared as small single projects. And everything is fitting extremely good (thanks to @CAFmodel for this really great kit) - and the hull still inside the jig is a very solide basis for these works in terms of the handling.

The interior elements are producing a lot of fun, so therefore I go in moment further with the preparation......

But I think, that I will remove the hull in some days out of the jig, I think it is necessary to check the visibility of several areas in order to decide where to make planking (hull and deck), install interior elements on both sides or only on one side etc.?
What I forgot to show the last time was the installation of the foremast foot

as usual the manual first. Part 08-3 was included in the first box

with the help of the two deck-beams and the mast partner it is possible to define the correct place of part 08-3



The same situation shown together with template for the deck element

This will be partly visible through the frames


The hole for the mast is still missing
Many Thanks to all of you for the friendly comments and likes - this is the motivation needed....

Hallo @sisco ,
to be honest -> I do not know in moment how to procede
In moment all the interior constructions like decks, walls etc. are not fixed, but can be well prepared as small single projects. And everything is fitting extremely good (thanks to @CAFmodel for this really great kit) - and the hull still inside the jig is a very solide basis for these works in terms of the handling.

The interior elements are producing a lot of fun, so therefore I go in moment further with the preparation......

But I think, that I will remove the hull in some days out of the jig, I think it is necessary to check the visibility of several areas in order to decide where to make planking (hull and deck), install interior elements on both sides or only on one side etc.?
Thanks Uwek for your usual kind willingness to help everyone.
Also in my case I have found everything is thought out in a very precise way by CAF and I share the idea that it is a truly exceptional and highly satisfying model.
I too am having a lot of fun with the interior arrangement and am in no hurry to switch to planking.
I have already glued something (I could not resist) and I really hope I will not regret it later. It will mean that I will have to be very careful with clamps
Today I can also show the wall of the powder room and the deck construction aft over powder room

The manual is showing us the wall of the powder room with the small opening for the lamp-box (with this it was possible to have light inside the powder room, without having open fire in the room)


Due to the un-symetrie of the two small hatches we have to be very careful with the use of the template no.12

now the same from the bottom side - you can see also the fairing lines where the deck will lay on the inner planking

now the deck with removed template - you can see, that I installed the small beam at the wall, and not at the deck element



the carlings of the hatches are fitting in the notches of the wall element


Now dry fitted inside the hull - some more fairing will be necessary, but it is already fitting very well


This is the view from the side

and I checked - also the small lamp of the powder room will be visible - so maybe one want to make here a small LED-lamp to illuminate the room
Deep in the hold, directly behind the stowage room we have the small room for the powder, the making of the bulkhead wall I showed already in post #198.
The powder cartridges are stowed on two shelfs (ammunition racks) shown also in the manual in sketch #45



Please be aware, that you do not mix the parts for the two racks !!!
Due to the fact, that the racks are located on the curved inner planking, they two elements have to be build mirrored - the numbering of the kit parts are not different for left and right side, so you have to find out which part is for which rack. Take a short look at this photo showing the parts for both racks

finally build with same "nails" included and also sanded, so the racks are fitting in the room



Not much will be visible at the end - but I know, that they are there
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