So the templates CAF provided for the individual decks we know already, today I want to show, how I made the deck planking
for the decks in the hold of the Le Coureur
As a first example I will show in detail the deck No.5
The manual is telling us in sketch 20 how to do it - My template was fitting very good inside the inner planking and the two walls
Let us take a close look at the drawings with longitudinal section
the platform is marked with red arrow and the beams with green arrows
and the top view of the platform marked with red lines
on this drawing are the small supporting beams marked - important are also the small support / carlings for the floor flap
First was the check of the correct size for the template here important is the distance as well the outer form of the curve
Partly the location of the beams are already marked with laser - the small carlings as support of the flap have to be marked with pencil - on the right side you can see already the prepared beams with notches for the carlings
do not cut the beams too short - later on it is still time to adjust the length, so they will sit properly on the inner planking
The beams are only fixed with two small spots of glue towards the template - so later in can be removed easily
a short check inside the hull
the first deck planks are prepared with the notches for the flap
all planks are glued and fixed, you can see, that I left the planks in general longer than necessary
This is how it is looking like from the bottom with the template
OK - some adjustments of the form have to be made - following the form of the template
Here the disc-sander was the main power tool
also from the bottom side
- now it is time to remove the deck from the template
check once more - you can see, that the platform is sitting still too high, due to the fact, that the beams are not adjusted at the contact area towards the inner planking
fairing the beams and the outer edge of the planks done
now it is sitting more or less correct
The first internal platform / deck is finished ......... there are some more to prepare