Awesome work, my friend!!! I can see, you fully enjoying the build, and as the result, we enjoy your constant progress updates!The mast well was the next element
Awesome work, my friend!!! I can see, you fully enjoying the build, and as the result, we enjoy your constant progress updates!The mast well was the next element
Very nice work..MeisterThe mast well was the next element
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has to be located between the two beams 5A-1 and 5A-2
View attachment 195579
and here also with the partner 3A-5 for the mast - Part 3B-1 I will install later on
View attachment 195584
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Many Thanks for your interest ..... to be continued .......
You are absolutely correctUwe my friend. It looks very good indeed. But I have again a question. I'm at work so I do not have the drawings available and therefore I may very well be wrong but I'm thinking, could it be the platform should be apr. 2 mm closer to the bow? There are 2 reasons behind my thought:
1) Remember in your post #258 you said the the innner planking should fully cover frame 12? Later I think Chello wrote in his log that the planks was not long enough to do so. So if the platform and the bulkheads is placed like yours I assume Chello (and possibly others) will also get a gap like this:
View attachment 196747
2) Your bulkhead at the aft side of the platform seems to be located directly under a deck beam. I may be wrong but I would think such a bulkhead would be placed up against either the fore or aft side of a deck beam
View attachment 196748
I can't see how your bulkhead at the fore end of the platform is located relative to a beam (as your fore deck clamps are not in place) but if i'm right, i think it means the stern section of the inner planking should be longer than you described in post #258, (should then end 2 mm in front of frame 25)
Yes jim,Wery impressive, my friend! Clean and accurate. Did you chamber (edge) individual planks on the wall? It does look prominent. If yes, what tool do you use? Also, did you 'blacken' the edges of the plank?, I mean between the planks (like imitating the caulking), but obviously, there wasn't caulking. It just a way to repersent\emphasize the individual planks in the wall.If you mean the endings of the planks? - this is not sanded and still some char from the laser
The contact area of two parallel planks are sanded, so no more char, I mean between the planks (like imitating the caulking), but obviously, there wasn't caulking. It just a way to repersent\emphasize the individual planks in the wall.
Many thanks for the quick response...
This was exactly what I thought...looks sharp (awesome) as I have mentioned before!The contact area of two parallel planks are sanded, so no more char there
between the planks it is really only shadow because of the chamfer - this effect I wanted to produce with the chamfer