Grosses Kino Uwe. I must say that Caf planking and your excellent work on it really pays off. Must be rewarding to start sanding and oiling.
A good point and often problematic, especially in POB-builds. I checked it two three times in between and I did not recon any distortion until now.Großartig!
Don't you fear a distortion of the hull by planking first one side totally and then the other?
Karl Ingwer
at the stem close to the bow you have to reduce the width of the planks anyhow.Lovely! Could I ask how you managed to get the plans butting up against the stem post so close? Did you require filter at all? Most of mine are within .5mm but one has a bit more of a gap.
Well, that explains my problem! I don't have enough clamps! Or skill. Or experience. But I do have a sense of humor so that makes everything better...Many Thanks for all your comments and likes
Starting with the two rows of wales on the planked side.
In order not to get a small gap between plank row 3 and the wales, I installed the wale also slightly overlapping with the plank.
you can never have too much clamps
btw you can see also here one advantage of clinkered planking !
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