Yes, the translation is not always the best. I meant the entire frame structure. „The Hull“
Good morning. Impressive modelling. Looking mighty fine. Cheers GrantOnce frame is roughly shaped/sanded, pilling off template was very easy with a little help of a water to soften the glue...
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Rising wood filling piece was also made and installed on the keel..
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Does not quite fit properly so replacement will be made but the main concept is the same..
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Floor timber chocks also assembled...
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Frame assembly progress.... hardly waiting for final sanding to give it a nice shape...
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Main supervisor arrived after break...
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Happy modelling..
Yes, correct. That is the picture I took last year after climbing 551 stairs to the top of Sant Peter' basilica, no cheating with elevator... Very interesting experience particularly when reaching the top of a dome when stairs and construction gets very narrow and with angle to follow to curvature of a dome..Good morning Moreplovac,
the little harbor yacht is growing steadily. I see you have fitted almost 2/3 of the frames. In the last picture you can clearly see that the little harbor yacht has now made a trip to Rome, or more precisely on the dome of St. Peter's Basilica with a view of St. Peter's Square. Good progress.
Addition: You can also glue the small spacers (at the top end of the frames) so you get more strength in the structure, at least that's how I did it.
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This was a stumper for me as well. The larger #1 is the profile before shaping and the smaller #1 is the profile after shaping and sanding.So, which one we need to use: bigger, not numbered #1 or smaller, numbered #1?
The hull should be single planked. I believe the thickness is detailed in the scantling table in the manual. (I’m not home so can’t check to be sure)Also, when it comes to planking, are you guys doing double planking for external hull?
Correct, this is just for frame 4 gluing; cannot have wise holding the keel while in the frame...usually takes 1hour the get fairly dry and it is back in the cradle...Very nice result @moreplovac ,
a little tip, leave the fuselage in the holder until it is finished.
There may be warping or other surprises.
Hopefully, the end result will be satisfactory...Moving right along. You're doing better than I did !
Yes hopefully !Hopefully, the end result will be satisfactory...