LE ROCHEFORT - Harbour yacht from 1787 1:36 by Tobias (Monograph by ANCRE)

Dziękuję @Steef66 @Herman @RogerD

Cześć wszystkim, Uwe @Uwek zadał dwa dobre pytania o to, jak podejść do prostego wiercenia, Paul @dockattner również był tym zainteresowany. To samo dotyczy produkcji zawiasów.

Teraz chciałbym dodać dwa zdjęcia dotyczące wiercenia. Przymocowałem ogranicznik do mojej małej wiertarki i zaznaczyłem ołówkiem linię na desce, gdzie wiertło wchodzi w drewno. Następnie wiercę otwory jeden po drugim, w następnym rzędzie przesuwam ogranicznik i kontynuuję wiercenie.

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Do wykonania zawiasów używam mosiężnej rurki o średnicy zewnętrznej 1,2 mm i grubości ścianki 0,4 mm, drutu mosiężnego o grubości 0,4 mm, a całość lutuję. W kolejnym kroku używam blachy mosiężnej o grubości 0,5 mm. Jest ona również lutowana do istniejących części. Do lutowania używam pasty lutowniczej i małego palnika Bunsena lub lutownicy, w zależności od przypadku. Z blachy mosiężnej wycinam małe paski, w zależności od wymaganej szerokości pasków.

Przygotowanie pasków mosiężnych:
Tutaj biorę 5mm grubą drewnianą deskę, przyklejam do niej dwustronną taśmę klejącą i mocuję do niej mosiężną blachę, a następnie ustawiam małą piłę stołową i odcinam małe paski. Zaletą tej metody jest to, że nie rozrywa się, nie wygina ani nie marszczy. Przejąłem tę metodę od Johanna @archjofo .

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Jeśli chodzi o konstrukcję zawiasów, pozwolę, aby poniższe zdjęcia mówiły same za siebie.

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Na koniec wszystko zostaje zaczernione i zainstalowane na statku; przy odrobinie szczęścia będzie można to przenieść.

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Swietny pomysł na cięcie mosiądzu i robienie zawiasów .Na pewno wielu z nas skorzysta Tobiaszu. Pozdrawiam Mirek

Great idea for cutting brass and making hinges. I'm sure many of us will benefit from it, Tobiasz. Best regards, Mirek
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Good morning everyone, the work on Le Rochefort is coming to an end. A few small things will be done in the next few days, but nothing earth-shattering, before the summer break begins. The Admiralty and its builders are heading south and we will spend two lovely weeks on the coast of Croatia. Now a few final pictures, this time full-size with all the parts manufactured so far and shown dry on the ship. This will also be the construction stage with which I will take part in the international meeting in Evian in October. What will still be to come after the holiday is the construction of the transport and display cases.

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I would like to thank you again for all your comments and likes, and also for the odd tip and criticism, which is just as important as praise. And remember, there is a lot more to see in the Le Rochefort construction group, which also depends on your visits, comments, likes and support.

And a few more pictures of both ships La Palme and Le Rochefort, both in 1:36 scale.

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Good morning everyone, the work on Le Rochefort is coming to an end. A few small things will be done in the next few days, but nothing earth-shattering, before the summer break begins. The Admiralty and its builders are heading south and we will spend two lovely weeks on the coast of Croatia. Now a few final pictures, this time full-size with all the parts manufactured so far and shown dry on the ship. This will also be the construction stage with which I will take part in the international meeting in Evian in October. What will still be to come after the holiday is the construction of the transport and display cases.

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I would like to thank you again for all your comments and likes, and also for the odd tip and criticism, which is just as important as praise. And remember, there is a lot more to see in the Le Rochefort construction group, which also depends on your visits, comments, likes and support.

And a few more pictures of both ships La Palme and Le Rochefort, both in 1:36 scale.

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A nice couple, Tobias. Enjoy your summer break. After that you will have new energy to go on with the great builds.
Regards, Peter
Statki Tobiaszu wyglądają świetnie ale jestem pod wrażeniem Twojego warsztatu i narzędzi które zgromadziłeś szacunek ja tylko mogę o tym pomarzyć . Pozdrawiam Mirek

The ships Tobiasz look great but I am impressed by your workshop and the tools you have gathered, I can only dream of that. Best regards Mirek
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Good morning everyone, the work on Le Rochefort is coming to an end. A few small things will be done in the next few days, but nothing earth-shattering, before the summer break begins. The Admiralty and its builders are heading south and we will spend two lovely weeks on the coast of Croatia. Now a few final pictures, this time full-size with all the parts manufactured so far and shown dry on the ship. This will also be the construction stage with which I will take part in the international meeting in Evian in October. What will still be to come after the holiday is the construction of the transport and display cases.

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I would like to thank you again for all your comments and likes, and also for the odd tip and criticism, which is just as important as praise. And remember, there is a lot more to see in the Le Rochefort construction group, which also depends on your visits, comments, likes and support.

And a few more pictures of both ships La Palme and Le Rochefort, both in 1:36 scale.

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my dear friend Tobias
Both models reflect your beautiful work that strives for perfection!!
Enjoy your summer vacation in Croatia, we will be happy for impressions and photos, maybe it will make us want to visit in the future too :)
Good morning everyone, the work on Le Rochefort is coming to an end. A few small things will be done in the next few days, but nothing earth-shattering, before the summer break begins. The Admiralty and its builders are heading south and we will spend two lovely weeks on the coast of Croatia. Now a few final pictures, this time full-size with all the parts manufactured so far and shown dry on the ship. This will also be the construction stage with which I will take part in the international meeting in Evian in October. What will still be to come after the holiday is the construction of the transport and display cases.

I would like to thank you again for all your comments and likes, and also for the odd tip and criticism, which is just as important as praise. And remember, there is a lot more to see in the Le Rochefort construction group, which also depends on your visits, comments, likes and support.

And a few more pictures of both ships La Palme and Le Rochefort, both in 1:36 scale.
Beautiful! Enjoy Croatia...