As you are the architect/master builder/and sheriff of the realm I nominate you to the office of village mayor. . . fully in charge of it all. PT-2Very beautiful at such a small scale, bravo!
It is interesting to see the cardstock "base" to the elevations that you build. The village will match the efforts in a fully rigged square sail ship. How large is the village when done and how are you going to present it? PT-2Again the continuation of the work on the house.
The staircase is done, but not yet its roof.
The small semi-detached house is on the other hand finished with its twisted roof made of wood carvings and its workshop on the ground floor.
The main facade is glued to wedge the staircase, not the other facade pieces. I still have some work to do on the back wall: I avoid to dust too much...
And finally, just a blank view (not glued) of all the available elements. I think I'm getting as close as possible to what I had planned with the elevation done on photoshop... There is still a lot of work to do, especially all the roofs !
Many of us will keep watching and looking forward to the completed village. PT-2Thanx !
The village will be presented on 3 assembled pedestals which will be about 1 x 0.50 meter.
The bases have a thickness of 5 cm and their color on the edges is not yet well defined.
What will be the bewitching hour when the villagers come out? PT-2Absolutely perfect- the interior of the forge stonework, the cart
, the woodwork
It would be good to place a coin next to a building in one photo when you release each update just to remind us the level of detail and intricacy at such small scales. I noticed the hobby knives, etc in the background and it just blew me away the scale of these buildings.