Dear modeler friends
unfortunately, we've to speak about the simplifications made to masting and rigging of the Mediterranean Coca, due to production and industrial needs.
The Upper Part of the Mast.
The current knowledge of the technology of the time is quite incomplete, but through paintings, treatises, contemporary manuals it was possible to reconstruct some typical solutions.
The solution proposed by the manufacturer for the Cocca Mediterranea suffers a lot from the need for simplification for production and industrial necessities:

According to the instructions, the 10mm dowel from which the mast is to be made, must be tapered to 9mm at the top. Then the crosstree (made up of trestle-trees and cross-trees) and the cheeks are glued. But, apart from the non-ideal gluing of a flat surface (the cheeks) on a round one (the mast), it seems that the appearing of the cheeks is later. The Nao di Matarò has the cross that supports the top, but no cheeks:

Also in the Bronze relief "the sacrifice of Jonah". It is located in the Basilica of St. Anthony in Padua and dates back to 1514.
Moreover, as seen in a previous drawing, there are at least eight different solutions that exclude both cheeks and crosstrees; however, one of them involves four supports radiating from the shaft.
Other simplifications and approximations.
The crosstrees: the photos of the instructions and the drawing give two contrasting visions: in the first one it is almost flat (in the red ring), in the second one and in the drawing the trestle-trees are at a different level from the cross-trees. This affects the positioning of the blocks, the stay and the Jakob's ladder:
The placement of the blocks: from the drawing it seems that in the blocks (B) the rope does not run along the throat of the pulley, as if they were positioned upside down:

Also the halyard going through the mast hound seems to be inserted UNDER the pulley (and the same is seen for the rack on the deck and the halyard block).
The halyard: based on the drawing, it would not seem possible to raise the yardarm to the top, as the block is too close to the rack:

The jakob's ladder: rope ladder to reach the top of the tree. It is not clear how it ends: it seems to be nailed to the base of the top (point F) in a way that seems to make entry impossible:

From documents of the time it can be seen that the rope ladder could continue to the upper edge of the top or it was possible to access from an opening at the base of the same.
The blocks: the blocks in the package do not seem to be suitable for the era of the Cocca; they should be good for ships of later centuries. Their dimensions are about 7.2 x 4.5 mm (I think they would be good for vessels in scale +/- 1:70 to 1:90, from the seventeenth century to the late nineteenth century):
The blocks of medieval ships in the illustrations of the time.
The model of the Nao of Matarò has blocks very different from those included in the package; they are visible in several images posted above. Contemporary (or slightly later) images also show blocks of very different shape (some seem to be painted dark/black at the ends, perhaps something protective against humidity, salinity):

(from V. Carpaccio's paintings).
Next time, we'll try to overcome these simplifications and improve the final result.
See you later!