Thanks, Heinrich!
Dear friends, now it's time to work on the sail.
In the opinion of the manufacturer "AMATI ", it is a kind of sausage with six laces that bind it to the yard. "AMATI" puts the picture of the ship with the sail only on the cover of the box; nothing about it appears in the drawing:
In fact, the sails wrapped around the yard appear as a much more thin structure:

It is clear that the model sail cannot be reproduced in perfect scale because it is too thick compared to the original.
So I cut the fabric in a reduced way compared to the theoretical sail (I took as reference the mainsail of the Santa Maria of Adamentz' drawings in proportion to the yard of the Cocca). The sail cloths are simulated on the back of the sail with a pencil.

As for the way to mount the sail on the yard, I chose what is described in: "Los galeones españoles del siglo XVII - Tomo II" authors Cayetano Hormaechea, Isidro Rivera and Manuel Derqui, Ediz. "Associació d'Amics del Museu Marítim de Barcelona" with the addition of a drawing by H.E. Adametz (for his Santa Maria):

I glued a 0.5 mm wire along the inside perimeter, cut out the sail leaving a side margin along the perimeter, and then folded the outside overhang gluing it and embedding the inner string. Next, I glued another cord (the luff cord) of about 0.8 mm diameter to the outside, with rings at the lower corners.
My advice in retrospect, though, is to put a loop of rope at each corner: it saves the inconvenience of tying the sail to the ends of the yardarm.

In the previous photos, this is the first attempt. The holes were bored with the tool in the photo. Then I made two more attempts. In the last one, I drilled the holes through the fabric with a very hot needle and, in my opinion, the result is much better as the burn around the hole simulates the sewing
The following sail is the result of the third attempt, I finished the tissue of AMATI and I decided it is enough:

An important detail has appeared now:
it is much better to put the blocks after fixing the sail, and not before. It becomes a much more comfortable work:

In addition, the strops of the blocks should be placed side by side, unlike what is written in the instructions. The topping lift blocks go on the outside and the brace blocks on the inside. Having already glued the strops, it's too late for me to change now, but you're still in time!
Next step: the cathead.
See you soon!