Model Airways Sopwith Camel 1/16 scale [COMPLETED BUILD]

The result of your build is beautiful, Dean. With nice and sharp pictures. With the white background and the double lights and double shades, let the plane come free from the ground! The black (of your kitchen) give her style. TOP!
Regards, Peter
Mustard after the meal - that is what I am! :eek: Congratulations Dean on a superb job exquisitely executed. I really like the pictures on the dark background, as I believe it offsets both cables and the light-colored wood very well. Onwards to next on the schedule!
Mustard after the meal - that is what I am! :eek: Congratulations Dean on a superb job exquisitely executed. I really like the pictures on the dark background, as I believe it offsets both cables and the light-colored wood very well. Onwards to next on the schedule!
Thank you Heinrich! With the dark background, you get a feel for just how many tension cables and control cables there are! ;)
Wow almost missed the ending! Beautiful job Dean! Your painting, weathering and antiquing skills are awesome my friend! I really enjoyed this build.
Very well done, Dean. The model is superb and deserves to be displayed accordingly. The photos are also very good. Sharp and well exposed.
Just a thought, but when photographing, say a model, using an SLR or DLSLR and you want it all in focus without going too far away from the model, is with the camera in manual mode to choose an aperture of about F22 and a shutter speed of around 2 secs, with the camera mounted on a tripod. You may want to play around with the settings to achieve the results your'e happy with. There is a discussion on depth of field in the section on photography on this site "Discuss photographing your ship" under Forums.