Hi ScotHey Bilal, over on my Montanes I am getting ready to put on the upper strakes. Looking at pic 67 in the instructions it looks like there is a groove right down the middle of the 2X2 strips I have bounced around all over the place looking for how to do this. I see that you did not do this and just used the 2X2 as is. Now that you are well past this phase are you happy with your decision? Or do you wish you had added the grove. I don't have a mini table saw so I'd need to spend a ton of time building some sort of contraption to put the groove in. I am leaning at skipping this like you did. Thoughts?
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I had no idea and no tools about how I manage that process at that time. (Also no friends from SOS. I became a member of this friendly group only 2 months ago.

But if I had micro shaper sure I did.