This whole thing reminds me of something a famous musician once said about music theory. He said when composing music, if it sounds right, it’s right! Meaning…use your ears, you’ll know if it’s wrong! And if it sounds good to the ear, what difference does it make if it doesn’t follow theory?
And in this case, if it looks good, it’s correct! So I am using my eyes to tell me if it is right, not any theory or historical references. As an artist I trust my eyes the most, as a musician it’s my ears. Beyond that, why add constraints that eliminate options or stifle creativity?
Clearly I’m not willing to be constrained by historical accuracy of old ships, that is at best an educated guess.
And that folks, is why I can be stubborn…lol. Because I don’t ever think there is only way to do something. And I don’t believe if you don’t do something one specific way, then it’s wrong.
How you get to your final destination is up to you. You decide if you take the long way, the short way, the easy way, the hard way, etc.
And I don’t think offering advice or tips is ever a bad thing. I just think saying something is not correct, should be followed by this statement… if you want to follow historical examples or theory!
In conclusion, I’ve said this before…but, I seem to have to keep saying it every time I start a new build log. So this should be my disclaimer on page 1 of all my build logs:
I don’t build ships for museums, or to sell, this is merely a hobby to me. Therefore, even though I consider historical facts and theories that surround these ships, I have no problem using artistic license to make something that “I“ find pleasing! And I refuse to be a slave to such things as historical accuracy, and chose the freedom to build my ship any way I want. This doesn’t make it wrong, it makes it mine. And I don’t want mine to look like yours or anyone else’s, because I deem that boring! And if something bores me, I stop doing it!

So let’s don’t make clones, let’s make individual models, that are a reflection of us. Happy modeling to all!