Here is an update on my efforts on the beaks head. It has been a challenge for a few reasons. First the compound curves and miter joints.
Second, is the height of attachment of the head rails to the keel.
For reference, this is how the kit is built to attach the head rails to a vertical post behind the keel at an angle…
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This is not how the rails should be attached according to the original documentation I found at the museum. The kit provided a thin plywood piece that has all rails and the vertical post. It also has thin plywood vertical supports with notches. I decided not to use these provided pieces and scratch build thicker rails and attach them at the keel.
Unfortunately, the keel wasn’t tall enough, and I ended the supports with a scroll at the top of the existing keel. I realized I need to make a vertical extension on the keel to attach the head rails to. This I attached behind the Lions head.
This required me to make an additional piece to extend the support that ended with a scroll further up. I’m not quite happy with it yet and am already planning to make a few changes. Then I can duplicate it on the other side, and finally add the vertical supports between the head rails.
I will also add a deck area with seats of ease forward of the bow hull, and that will be between the head rails that attach to the cat davits. This is not shown on the kit instructions, but should be there. So that will also be scratch built.
Here are some pics of current progress, keep in mind it is a work in progress and not the final outcome…
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So there you have it. I am planning to make changes to the vertical support and extension piece to make everything more organic. The tough part is that the location of all the head rails combined with the curves makes it hard to view at an angle that shows the spacing. They are however evenly spaced despite the distorted views.
And finally I would like to thank Kurt
@DARIVS ARCHITECTVS for taking the time to talk with me about square sail ships and do some brainstorming with me on how to best address the issue with head rail attachments. He is a great guy, who is willing to help!

I will resume work soon and post my final adjustments that I hope will make the area that all the head rails attach look a little more organic. I have already taken the lowest head rail off once and took off the attachment of the head rail above that in an attempt to ensure equal spacing. It has been a challenge to make it all look properly spaced and flow in an organic and pleasant way. But it is a work in progress and there has been plenty of head scratching!