Thanks friends, it is slow but safe going forward, I am glad I started this project as it is very good lesson
and a lot of good information about different techniques and methods in this way of building models.
Thanks to SOS, I have now started to build pof models and not just regular kits.
Finally, a big thank you for all the good help from all the good modelers here on the forum.
Planks made of teak to clamp all the frames so they stay aligned and keep the structure stiffened during construction.
Hold (1).jpg
The pictures show the homemade clamps and stiffening boards in the work until now.
Hold (2).jpgHold (3).jpgHold (4).jpgHold (5).jpgHold (6).jpgHold (7).jpg

So, some pictures of some things I wonder.
Hold (10).jpgHold (8).jpgHold (9).jpg
Dave, I've borrowed a picture of you to show what I'm wondering.
I made some arrows in the drawing and I wonder if I should not use these boards like you did?
Is there any particular reason why you don't have these boards?

Here are also some who wonder how things are progressing.
Hold (11).jpg
Knut: If I must be truthful, My handling of the planking in the hold was less than perfect. The basic principle is this: Where ever there is a futtock joint, there should be a strake of the “thick stuff”. Fill in between with planks as needed. Not according to plans, strictly, but it is what was done. Great job so far!
The pictures show-
The end of all the boards should be evenly sanded with the frames at a later date.
d Blandford (1).jpgd Blandford (2).jpgd Blandford (3).jpg
My indoor work table.
d Blandford (4).jpg
Create deck clamp using the new angle.
e Deck clamp (2).jpge Deck clamp (3).jpg
Try thin paper stained with black stain to create (caulking?) Between deck planks.
I will also try black silk paper, I think UWE uses this kind of paper.
f caulking (1).jpgf caulking (2).jpg
Deck clamp.
Here, clamps and the entire construction are pressed into place.
deck clamp.jpg
Here you see that I have used a plank of teak that is very hard as an intermediate to put great pressure on the clamps during gluing.
klamp (1).jpg
Finished glued in place.
klamp (2).jpg
Here the next tasks, plank under deck clamp, deck beam, mast foot.
l deck beams (2).jpg
A little cleanup.
First I masked the frames so as not to damage them.
I use a thin iron saw blade and a mini drill to remove most of the excess material.
gavl (1).jpg
gavl (2).jpg
After that I sanded by hand, still with masking on.
gavl (3).jpg
End result sanded without masking, I'll sand with fine paper towards the end of the build.
gavl (4).jpg
One plank left under the deck clamp before I start with bolts, trenails and poly before I start with the deck beams.