OcCre limited edition HMS Victory build.

Scarfed the oak beams, glued them and then just drilled three 1mm holes and pushed a square 1mm mahogany strip through. Looks nice as a trenail? Hardly seen but fun to do.
Its looking good - must say you have almost caught me up with your build of the Victory. Its interesting to see how you have interpreted some of the finer aspects of the build incorporating more detail than I have managed. Also your bench drill looks a lot more accurate than mine in drills those pesky holes for the cannon balls - I used a very sharp spike to create a centre hole before actually drilling them !! Keep it up!!
Many thanks Julian. Still the really time consuming things to do yet. Been so helpful in my build watching and following yours.
Bit frustrating sometimes when the instructions are very vague like for the bowsprit area.
It’s all a bit hit and miss. Even going by the 1:1 plans.
Instructions are rather none existent - they just say "Fit parts xyz". Bowsprit is an exercise in 3D awareness - bit of trial and error. Looking at your build in some places makes me think "Why did'nt I do it that way". My hull is now complete and will have a break before starting on the masts and rigging

Will be interesting when our models are both complete - Christmas? to compare them
I think OcCre should be more generous with the tiny parts on this kit as there is hardly any tolerance for loss or mistakes.
You have to count and look after every small piece.
Throw a few spares in OcCre. !!!!!!!
Stood the ship nose down on foam and clamped the sides to stop it moving to allow me better positioning and gluing .
Don’t know how to comment between pictures.