Rattlesnake by MS

Evening TKAM quick question ...were you ever able to find some good buckets? been kinda looking at these.

also decided to clean the ways
View attachment 135591

Very nice progress. I've been stuck on the mainland and will continue to be stuck for the next month so I have not been able to put in any work on Rattlesnake. The good news is that I'm literally an hour from completing Syren and am well into construction of the display case. I like your Rattlesnake.

I have a handfull of buckets that I never used for Syren except for the long boat but I figure they are are the perfect size for Rattlesnake. I bought them over a year ago but I'm almost positive they were from Cast You Anchor. Nope, I checked my records and they were from Bluejacket. I had to stain the one I used and had to add a rope handle, very tricky operation. I kinda like the one you have as an example.
Very nice progress. I've been stuck on the mainland and will continue to be stuck for the next month so I have not been able to put in any work on Rattlesnake. The good news is that I'm literally an hour from completing Syren and am well into construction of the display case. I like your Rattlesnake.

I have a handfull of buckets that I never used for Syren except for the long boat but I figure they are are the perfect size for Rattlesnake. I bought them over a year ago but I'm almost positive they were from Cast You Anchor.
The ones I got with the kit were more blobs of metal mesureing about 6mm the ones on thats site were 4mm then 7mm,and 8mm the deck is looking naked so I was thinking of the hanging ones on the poop deck and also gun buckets
The ones I got with the kit were more blobs of metal mesureing about 6mm the ones on thats site were 4mm then 7mm,and 8mm the deck is looking naked so I was thinking of the hanging ones on the poop deck and also gun buckets

Tons of little details like you describe are just great. Personalized.
Here's some more capstans

Hi Dwight,

Did you successfully purchased from this store recently ? I am Canadian, from Quebec, and made a try with them… with finally a refund demand from Paypal. I saw in ontarian paper tha t this store was closed. Is this the case now, they reopen ?

Thanks to clarify, because this web store have good stuff if it run really.

Hi Dwight,

Did you successfully purchased from this store recently ? I am Canadian, from Quebec, and made a try with them… with finally a refund demand from Paypal. I saw in ontarian paper tha t this store was closed. Is this the case now, they reopen ?

Thanks to clarify, because this web store have good stuff if it run really.


Michel , The capstan is the only thing I've ordered from them. It looks just like the MK unit.