Rattlesnake by MS

Crossjack topsail all rigged up. Time to move on to the main mast lower course yard. I'm actually kinda sad, if I worked every day a few hours each day I'd be done in less than two weeks. I'm always like this at the end of a project. No hurry.

The extra gun carriage laser cut sheet and cannon finally arrived from Model Shipways. It took awhile as they are not too responsive to customer call outs but in the end they didn't charge me for the extra materials, that's a win in my book. I plan on filling 8 of the remaining 10 gun ports that this kit has closed with these cannon, the port in the front was not normally used when Rattlesnake was sailing the seas so that port will remain closed.

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How did you go about ordering these extra guns? Do you have a link?
Finished with the main mast lower course sail and rigging. I took somebody's advice and inserted a length of 26 gauge wire into the bunt. It works pretty good to form a more realistic looking sail. I sure wish I had this knowledge when I installed the spirit sail, that would have really made it look better. Ah well, onward to the main mast topsail.

Time to head back home and work on HMS Surprise some more. I brought the finished acrylic case and wooden base with me this time so no more dust while I'm back home. The base is cherry wood. I had some leftover cherry from the case I made for Syren but there wasn't enough to make a wide enough base. I purchased another plank and joined it with the leftover piece, you can see what 8 months of oxidation does to the wood. I'm gonna have to leave it without stain or protection for another 8 months so the new piece can catch up, it'll slowly darken with time and only then can I lock in the color hopefully uniform between the two joined planks.

Finished up with the main mast top gallant yard (furled). Starting up with the fore mast yards which will finish Rattlesnake except for the anchor which I'm saving for the very last. The lanyard for this yard was to be belayed down to a single block hooked to an eye bolt next to the mast coat then belayed to a cleat attached to the mast. I didn't think I would be able to get the job done with the sail in the way....but I managed.iuywtsgb.jpgghjghxnb.jpgihlukjaszdxfnc.jpgmnbvcc.jpgbmnxcnmn.jpgxdfgkjh.jpg