The most intersting question of this plan in my ooint of view shifted to the hight of the UD and QD.
1st idea The hight of the "outside decks"
When I am looking on this contemporary 80 gunnship model I do think the distance between the wales are always the same:
According to this the upper handrail of the Lemineur SP is too close to the wale below it:
The distances between the wales are really differend:
from 3nd wale from L.F. to the 3rd wale we have got a distance of 30mm
between the 4th and the 5th wale there are 22mm
between the 6th snd the 7th wale there are only 12mm left.
So my eyesight is bad but my feeling was right, hopefully...
2nd The arkanthus bud under water
On the other hand thsre is an feature below the side gallery I dislike very much iin the Ancre plan:
The Acanthus bud is 3,2mm below the waterline and will be rotten very fast permanently in the wet.
In the original decoration drawing the bud is clearly over the waterline:
as the original drawing is scaled about 1/125 the vertical distance from the bud's lower end to the L.F. is about 7mm what gives us 13,67mm in 1/64. Bythis the hole side gallery has to be lifted 3,2mm to get the bud in a first step out of water. Then we have to lift it another 13,67mm to come to the place where the sidegallery had to be.
So we add both figures together (13,67 + 3,2) and by this we get a factor of 16,87mm we have to lift the sidegallery. As thd top of the crone is identical with the top handrail we have to lift this and the hole structure folling its movement, too. So the cemplete rail has to be pushed vertically up.
3rd the sudden idea of an ergonomical solution:
If we look at the lack of hight at the wales (30 - 22) + (22 - 12) = 8 + 10 = 18.
So we would have to rise the MD by 8mm and the UD by 10 to get the equal distance between all wales. There is no reason why the MD is quite lower than the LD. Why should this happen? (It is quite interesting that the only drawibg of the Comte de Échelle (RNguys know him as Mr McScale) is drawn into the very front of the upper deck where no F'c'st'l deck beams to crush his skull. Tomorrow I'll copy him from the pland and cut him out to get an ergonomical proof of the inner hull.
4th the less radical solution.
Not to bee too radical I think about leaving the MD as it is and rising the UD only to the same hight the MD is drawn. By this we get a 10mm lifting of the upper handrail (not any 18mm push).
Due to this we lift the arkanthus but only by 10mm instead of 13,67mm so the bud is definitely out of the flood but not too much and risen in some dramatically brainless way to do so.
5th the follow ups:
I will have also to do the changings to the bodyplan for each single bulkhead...