A small update and a prelude to what is next.
It is my intention to make the rider frames as I go along.These are shown on the frame drawings.I intend to make these oversize apart from the area that touches the floor.If you remember,I milled the top of the floor area on the frames.This gives me a very accurate point of reference inside the hull.The rider frames incorporate an open notch for the deck clamps of the lower gun deck.The principle is that these notches will not only locate the deck clamp but also hold it in place to allow fixing with copper pins and epoxy.
Producing the frames before fitting the hull out with ceiling planking and binding strakes allows the frames to be placed in position and scribed for trimming to allow for planking and strake thickness.This should,in theory give me a snug fit with no gaps.
An added complication is that the upper futtock of these frames penetrates the lower deck and finishes just below the level of the next deck.This section cannot be glued on and will have to be manipulated into place after the lower deck beams are in place.A similar process can be seen in Bernard Frolich's book when building l'Ambiteaux.
I will be build the frames and the complete finishing process will be carried out before installation.This is an idea I have stolen from Narim Maygeldinov,a Russian master modeller.All internal work is built then stripped back down into modules for applying finish.I will also use his finishing technique of four coats of thin cut shellac then a coat of spirit based Polyurethane.Being in broken down into modules facilitates polishing between coats with steel wool.Narim's models have the finish of fine pieces of furniture both inside and out using this technique.The varnish will be thinned and sprayed on using a gun with a 0.5mm nozzle.
My next job is to build the rider frame complete and fully finish it.No finish will be applied to the surface that touches the hull.This will remain ever so slightly oversize to allow small adjustments for the final sanding process.I will also add all the dummy clench bolts.
Today I have received the materials for the bolts.This consists of 1mm brass rod that will have a 0.5mm hole drilled through near the top which will take a transverse 0.5mm brass pin.Between this and the frame will be an 1mm internal diameter brass washer.I will make a drilling jig as drilling a 0.5mm hole in a 1mm pin is impossible freehand.I have some Birchwood Casey Brass Black landing tomorrow for blackening these parts.
Just as a side note,I intend all flush fixings to be in natural copper,all clench bolts to be blackened brass.The natural copper is chosen as it is more harmonious to the finished timber hues and I feel will be more aesthetically pleasing.This may change slightly for the hull planking as I can get square brass to represent the nails but not copper.
Kind Regards