Santisima Trinidad - Occre Build Log [COMPLETED BUILD]

Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>No, I have not found a problem with CA and Beeswax. The Admiral claims that she is going to help me with the video perhaps tonight or tomorrow.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

That was what I was trying to describe. I forgot about Petersson's book. He uses 5 turns and with the thickness of the lanyards, it no longer looks that good when you do 5. Things on a ship rigging seemed to be done in odd numbers so if I tried 3 when I get to the rigging it might not look messy to me. Since clove hitches are used on the ratlines, it seems OK and an appropriate shot cut. Makes it looks ship shape and tidy. I have seen an author that does the hitch above the deadeye and then serves over that using 7 - 9 round turns with smaller thread. That never looked right to me. <br/>
The diagram in Petersson's book is well done and makes it clear what other authors have tried to describe. Yours came out looking good. When I tried it before, I was not that skilled and had enough trouble just trying to figure out where all those line should go.<br/>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Hi Gary,<br/>
yep I agree. Too many turns and tying knots, things start looking messy. I have to find a balance somewhere in how carried away to get. However, thanks for your input. Another thing that I consider is that the more complicated I make ONE, then I have to stick with it. So this goes into the decision making. I think we all strive for that perfect rigging - But, reality is there too !</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Hear, hear to that Donnie. Consistancy is important for those deadeyes to look the same. Always balance in our decisions.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>I will be making a video this afternoon. About the time it loads up to my SOS youtube account and get it posted on the SOS Main site, maybe it will be ready to view around lets say 7:00 PM CST (USA). I think I might can put the video here, but actually, I think I might would rather place it on the main for the whole community that is not a part of the forum just yet. So, stay tuned. I warn everyone. This is not going to be edited and some parts might make you cringe !!!Some parts might you grow faint !!!! <br/>
So, if something gets dropped, or whatever, thats the way it is. This ain't hollywood ! Now, go get some snacks, and check back here when I tell you all when it will be available within about 3 or 4 hours from this post. It is now 3:50 CST when I write this.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Main page is probably more appropriate, you have other videos there.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Video update. It is uploading now at a very slow pace. It is going to be a while before it is posted. It will either be very late tonight or early tomorrow. I have high speed DSL, but can't do anything about youtube. It might be a lot of users on it from weekend holiday.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<r>RIGGING THE LANYARDS Video. Watch here ! <br/>
<YOUTUBE content="PrImPdbLRAw"><s>[youtube]</s>PrImPdbLRAw<e>[/youtube]</e></YOUTUBE></r>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>I tried to watch it earlier today, say 6:00 AM, I am an early riser even on weekends, and I couldn't find it. Now I will watch it, thank you much Donnie.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Real piece of very good video. The Admiral did fine with that short focus she had at very close range. Thank You Donnie.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<r>I really appreciate all the compliments. But, to be honest, I cannot say that "this" is really the "way" to do things. it is just my <I><s></s>interpretation<e></e></I>. What this means, it is just a jumping off point for everyone else to glean from. At the scales that we work off of, its just a matter of what you put in and get out of it. Also, as I have said before many times, its just a balance and being reasonable. I am also not going to say that I am 100% correct as that would be foolish.</r>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Really great video, I enjoyed watching it. I didn't realize how big the Trinidad is, no wonder you can do that kind of rigging detailing.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Wonderful Video really really helpful . It event shows how you apply the glue . I would love to see more video's of difficult parts of the building process like this one was . Maybe other members will also make some video's . The Model is looking so Beautiful . I know you do it your way but it seems to be working great . After watching your video's I now have better knowledge of the process and can build much better .These Video's your making are helping us to build better . I hope you keep making them they are so well done and informative . I appreciate it . Thank you Donnie .</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

I thought you and others following your build might find these Santisima Trinidad videos on youtube of interest. The links are good as of this post. <br/>
<URL url=""><s></s><e></e></URL><br/>
<URL url=""><s></s><e></e></URL><br/>
<URL url=""><s></s><e></e></URL><br/>
<URL url=""><s></s><e></e></URL></r>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Very interesting videos, and there seems to be a lot more of them on the Santisima Trinidad. Apparently it is replicated? Like the Golden Hind and Half Moon replicas that are diesel powered but they look like a nice ride.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>Sternpost - thanks for the links - I will look at those when I get the time. Seafever - Thank you for the compliments. It is hard to get the Admiral to agree to help me with this. If anyone has any ideas for more videos, please send them my way. I have more images to upload as I am almost finished with my Mizzen Shrouds. Then onto the Main Mast. I have the Bowsrit built, but I really do not want to do that until I have to. It makes it a lot easier to move the ship around. I see alot of people like to rig this mast up first, but I think (MHO) that it needs to wait as long as it can. When I get to the Stays, then I will put up the Bowsprit.</t>
Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>SIGH - ho hum - here we go on the Mizzen Ratlines. This part ain't bad. Its the Shrouds that really require a lot of concentration. Is it me, or is this ship just taking a long time to build....and just think-- I don't even get paid for doing this ---</t>


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Re: OcCre Santisima Trinidad Build Log

<t>You are doing fine Donnie, I am using your build as a guide for my Montanes with regard to those shrouds, chainplates and standing rigging for the masts. At least you are finished with the hull planking. I wish I was, and Montanes is only one of six kits to complete planking on.... Must concentrate....on.....planking........</t>