SigEp Ziggy - HMS Blandford Cross Section - 1/48 Group Build

I use cherries for frames, keels, beams aso, not very happy with this type of wood but it's too late to turn now.
Birch I use for planks to dress the hull and planks inside.
Holy I will use for deck planks.
Everything should be oiled with linseed oil, I will use black stain on whales made of birch because it attracts the stain very well.
Otherwise, I should avoid using stain
Cherries will never be used again after this project.
This is my experience so far.
Hope this can give you some ideas on choosing wood varieties.
Thanks again guys! I have not found any beech, lots of ceder, the oak and yellow birch are very hard, so sanding them needs to be mechanical. I think it will be popular for the frames and I picked the lighter color without really thinking about it. I'm tuning up my band saw to cut two inch by one quarter into two inch by 3/16ths. See how that go's and post the effort.
Then the race is underway, make sure to leave some meat on the outside of the lines, from experience I know that it is important as I have experienced to grinding too much with the result that the frames are suddenly a few, mm, too thin.
I follow how it can be done by viewing and comparing photos and examples from the other Blandford builders,
In particular, Dave has many great tips and techniques to point out.